United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Jack Downie


Removal Action
Remacor, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, West Pittsburg, PA
Latitude: 40.9349711
Longitude: -80.3686583

Site #:
Reporting Period:
2/3/09 to 2/7/09
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

EPA has been performing an emergency removal action at this site which has primarily involved the stabilization, repackaging, transportation, and removal of hazardous magnesium materials and other solid wastes from the facility.  EPA completed repackaging abandoned magnesium materials that have been stored in drums that have succumbed to varying degrees of corrosion.  The repackaged materials have now been removed from the site.  Areas of the site including open pad areas, low areas and drainage ways have been cleared of residual wastes that had spilled when the facility was operating. Low-level radioactive solids, and miscellaneous waste material have been packaged and shipped off site for disposal. Lime was removed from eight large vertical vats located on the west and south side of building 2. The lime was neutralized and shipped off site for disposal.  Current activities at the Site are focused on separating materials from a large debris pile on the south side of the property that contains broken concrete embedded with rebar, and large pieces of scrap metal, mixed with dirt and other fines. PADEP is overseeing site activities for the state and providing support.  EPA START contractor TechLaw is providing technical and administrative support to the EPA.  Site security operations are now relinquished to Lawrence County and Taylor Township officials. EPA will continue cleanup and assessment operations on an intermitant basis.

Current Activities

Personnel On-Scene:    
02/03/09 EPA-2,START-1, ERRS-8, PADEP 2
02/04/09 EPA-1 START-1, ERRS-8,
02/05/09 EPA-2, START-1, ERRS-8, PADEP-1
02/06/09 EPA-1 START-1, ERRS-8,
02/07/09 ERRS-8

02/03/09  Low of 14° F, high of 24° F, partly cloudy, 0.00” precipitation, wind  1-12 mph.
02/04/09  Low of 05° F, high of 18° F, mostly cloudy, 0.00” precipitation, wind  0-17 mph
02/05/09  Low of -4° F, high of 16° F, mostly sunny, 0.00” precipitation, wind  3-10 mph
02/06/09  Low of 15° F, high of 36° F, partly cloudy, 0.00” precipitation, wind  4-7 mph
02/07/09  Low of 32° F, high of 52° F, partly cloudy, 0.00” precipitation, wind  4-15 mph

Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) contractor Guardian Environmental Services, Inc. mobilized to the New Castle, PA area.  No work was performed on site this date.

EPA OSC Downie, SAO Messimer, TechLaw, Inc., and PADEP (Hoffman, Jordan) mobilized to the site.

Access was given to EPA by county officials to continue cleanup work at the site.

Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) contractor Guardian Environmental Services, Inc. held its morning safety meeting and discussed the days planned activities.

A Work trailer was ordered and delivered to site. ERRS mobilized a power generator to site to provide electricity to the work trailer.

ERRS began cleanup activities of the large debris piles located on the south side of building 9. The debris piles consist of large pieces of metal scrap, and broken concrete embedded with rebar. ERRS workers are cutting the scrap metal down to a transportable size and breaking up the concrete, removing the rebar, and then cutting the rebar to a suitable length for transporting. The metal is being taken to a scrap yard for recycling. The concrete will be staged in the same location as the concrete debris from the burn area.

OSC Downie has informed representatives from Taylor Township of site activities.

START provided the OSC with technical and administrative assistance, conducted contractor monitoring, and written and photographic documentation.

Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) contractor Guardian Environmental Services, Inc. held its morning safety meeting and discussed the days planned activities.

ERRS continued cleanup activities of the large debris piles located on the south side of building 9. The debris piles consist of large pieces of metal scrap, and broken concrete embedded with rebar. ERRS workers are cutting the scrap metal down to a transportable size and breaking up the concrete, removing the rebar, and then cutting the rebar to a suitable length for transporting. The metal is being taken to a scrap yard for recycling. The concrete will be staged in the same location as the concrete debris from the burn area.

START provided the OSC with technical and administrative assistance, conducted contractor monitoring, and written and photographic documentation.

Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) contractor Guardian Environmental Services, Inc. held its morning safety meeting and discussed the days planned activities.

ERRS continued cleanup activities of the large debris piles located on the south side of building 9. The debris piles consist of large pieces of metal scrap, and broken concrete embedded with rebar. ERRS workers are cutting the scrap metal down to a transportable size and breaking up the concrete, removing the rebar, and then cutting the rebar to a suitable length for transporting. The metal is being taken to a scrap yard for recycling. The concrete will be staged in the same location as the concrete debris from the burn area.

START provided the OSC with technical and administrative assistance, conducted contractor monitoring, and written and photographic documentation.

OSC Easton and PADEP representative Mary Hoffman mobilized to site to assist with oversight.

Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) contractor Guardian Environmental Services, Inc. held its morning safety meeting and discussed the days planned activities.

ERRS continued cleanup activities of the large debris piles located on the south side of building 9. The debris piles consist of large pieces of metal scrap, and broken concrete embedded with rebar. ERRS workers are cutting the scrap metal down to a transportable size and breaking up the concrete, removing the rebar, and then cutting the rebar to a suitable length for transporting. The metal is being taken to a scrap yard for recycling. The concrete will be staged in the same location as the concrete debris from the burn area.

START provided the OSC with technical and administrative assistance, conducted contractor monitoring, and written and photographic documentation.

Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) contractor Guardian Environmental Services, Inc. held its morning safety meeting and discussed the days planned activities.

ERRS continued cleanup activities of the large debris piles located on the south side of building 9. The debris piles consist of large pieces of metal scrap, and broken concrete embedded with rebar. ERRS workers are cutting the scrap metal down to a transportable size and breaking up the concrete, removing the rebar, and then cutting the rebar to a suitable length for transporting. The metal is being taken to a scrap yard for recycling. The concrete will be staged in the same location as the concrete debris from the burn area.

Next Steps

ERRS will continue to separate arsenic and lead contaminated material from the debris piles located on the south side of building 9. The metal will be taken to the scrap yard for recycling. The concrete will be staged onsite with the pile of concrete from the fire debris. The arsenic and lead containing fines from the debris will be sampled and disposed of accordingly.

Key Issues

