United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Mike Towle


Stoney Creek Technologies
3300 4th Street, Trainer, PA
Latitude: 39.8300000
Longitude: -75.3975000

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

See previous POLREPs for Site description information.

Since April 2007, the inventory at the Site which contributes to the threats has been steadily reduced. Currently, approximately 5 million pounds of inventory remains and very little production activity is occurring.  Stoney Creek Technologies (SCT)continues to assure that safety systems are operating.

Current Activities

Respondents to the EPA Orders are no longer actively removing the chemical inventory at the Site pursuant to the assigned Order requirements.

In response to the failure to remove inventory items, EPA initiated response actions and has been actively disposing the remaining chemical inventory.  EPA has conducted disposal activities resulting in the removal of approximately 142,000 gallons of chemical inventory from 11 tanks and continues those activities.

Stoney Creek Technologies continues very limited operations at the Site mainly focused on the safety systems, pollution controls, boiler operations, and waste water treatment. These activities facilitate the EPA operations.

Stoney Creek Technologies collaborated with another Respondent to remove ash piles laden with reject chemical material from the Site.

The OSC continues to maintain a routine presence at the facility.
PADEP continues paying for electricity required to keep the plant safe.  SCT has been unable to meet the conditions of the DEP Consent Order and, as such, it never became effective.

SCT is no longer able to demonstrate its viability pursuant to the EPA Order. Part of the demonstration requires SCT to have plans with critical utilities and to have regained its operating permits with PADEP.  SCT continues to work towards financing.

Planned Removal Actions

The OSC will continue to remove chemical inventory from the Site.  The OSC will continue to evaluate information needs for determining when sufficient inventory is removed or if conditions changed such that the threats at the Site are mitigated.
