United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Deborah Lindsey


On-Going Removal Activities
WRG4 Vermiculite Site
1210 Factory Street, Ellwood City, PA
Latitude: 40.8595660
Longitude: -80.3000080

Site #:
Reporting Period:
10/29/08 - 11/24/08
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

See previous POLREP for Site description information

Current Activities

The Site was shutdown from October 29, 2008 through November 4, 2008 for a scheduled work break.  

For the week of November 4 through November 7

ERRS mobilized back to the Site on November 4, 2008.  ERRS continued to assemble and install gabion baskets at the bottom of the Moose Lodge hillside.  The crew also began working on the second tier of baskets and filling them with rip rap.  ERRS also continued to install the geotextile filter fabric behind the gabions and backfilled.

START conducted air monitoring with during the week.  START also worked on inputting air sampling/air monitoring data into summary tables and generating windrose diagrams from the weather station data.  

For the week of November 10 through November 14

ERRS continued to install gabion baskets at the bottom of the Moose Lodge hillside.  Crew completed the second tier (total 195 feet of baskets) and was working on a third tier (approx. 90 feet) of baskets and filling them with rip rap.  ERRS received 30 truck loads of clean fill and placed it onto the northwest portion of the Moose Lodge hillside for a rough slope of 2:1.  The fill material will ensure a 6 to 12 inch soil cover before placing the temporary soil erosion matting.  Due to bad weather on November 13th, ERRS conducted general site cleanup and began to install orange construction fencing along areas that would be temporarily restricted during the upcoming winter shutdown period.  ERRS also began removing the visqueen plastic from the hillside and replacing it with a soil erosion blanket to temporarily cover the hillside during the winter months and provide protection from the wind, rain and snow.  The soil erosion blanket is made up of agricultural straw and coconut fiber layered between a polypropylene netting

START conducted air sampling and/or air monitoring during the week.  START shipped a batch of 18 air samples on November 11th and a second batch of 10 air samples on November 14th to the DAS laboratory for analysis.  START also working on weekly air summary tables.  On November 14th, START collected approximately 30 surface soil samples from the behind the former vermiculite building.  A grid system (approx. 15 ft x 10 ft) was developed to collect the samples.  The data will be used in determining the full extent of contamination behind the building and used in evaluation of cover systems for that area.

OSC requested ATSDR assistance in reviewing the analytical results from the wood chipping activities in response to a resident’s concern.  The Health Consultation Request package was submitted to ATSDR on November 11, 2008.  

For the week of November 16 through November 22

ERRS completed installation of gabion baskets and backfilled behind all the baskets.  ERRS also completed grading the hillside to a rough slope of 2:1.  A total of 2800 tons of backfill has been added to the entire hillside to an average depth of 12 inches.  ERRS removed the remaining visqueen plastic and covered the remaining hillside with the temporary soil erosion blanket.  Five (5) roll-offs arrived on-site for disposal of root balls and tree debris.  The roll-offs were double lined before being loaded with the root balls.  Roll-offs will be staged on-site while waiting for disposal.  Three (3) loads of gravel were placed and graded on the parking lot area.  

START conducted air sampling and/or air monitoring during the week.

For the week of November 23 through November 29

ERRS finished preparing the Site for winter shutdown by securing all temporary chain link fencing, concrete barriers and orange construction fencing in designated areas.   ERRS was preparing to conduct a final cleaning in the parking lots with the Water Truck  but had some problems shutting off the fire hydrant due to extreme cold temperatures.  Water from the hydrant entered the basement of the Electric Company Building.  The Electric Company responded and the ERRS crew cleaned up the water.  ERRS completed deconning/demobing all of the equipment and all utilities were turned off.  Security was discontinued and site trailers were picked up on November 26th.

START discontinued the air sampling and air monitoring activities for the winter shutdown period.  START was on-site from November 24 through November 26 collecting soil samples from the adjacent ravine area to determine if contamination is present in this area from spill over from the hillside or from ATVs tracking it into the area.    

On or about November 25th, the OSC received a call from the Borough Manager regarding damage to the floor at the Electric Company and a request to have it repaired.  The OSC responded that EPA and/or the ERRS Contractor will make the necessary repairs.

The OSC conducted site inspections on November 25th and November 28th to check on the condition of the cover system, fencing and roll-offs.  The orange construction fencing around the roll-offs was repaired and additional rebar stakes added to keep fencing from blowing down.

On-Going Actions During the Reporting Period

The START air sampling/monitoring program includes collecting high volume air sampling with an Aircon II sampling pump and co-located low flow air sampling as a backup sample.  Air monitoring is being conducted utilizing a Dataram 4000 particulate monitoring units.  A meteorological weather station is used to monitor on-site conditions and data used to generate daily wind roses.

ERRS continued to wet down work areas, access road and support zones for dust suppression

ERRS continued to cover cleared areas with visqueen plastic until installation of the temporary soil erosion matting.  

START ceiling was increased by $68,252 for a new ceiling of $173,522.

Planned Removal Actions

No planned on-site activities during the winter shutdown period.

Next Steps

Initiate a technical evaluation of cover system alternatives and a slope stabilization plan for the remaining work at the Site.

Work with ERRS for the transportation and disposal of roll-offs currently staged at the site.

Review and update the Air Sampling requirements.

Continue to pursue Access Agreement with the Railroads
