United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Deborah Lindsey


On-Going Removal Activities
WRG4 Vermiculite Site
1210 Factory Street, Ellwood City, PA
Latitude: 40.8595660
Longitude: -80.3000080

Site #:
Reporting Period:
5/16/09 - 6/15/09
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

See previous POLREP for Site description information

Current Activities

The Site was shutdown from May 16, 2009 through May 26, 2009 for a scheduled work break for the Memorial Day holiday.

For the week of May 27 through May 29

During the site shutdown period, a total of 2 slips and 1 wash out occurred on the slope.  ERRS repaired the slips and washout on the slope while continuing to shape and compact the hillside for the cellular confinement system (CCS) material.  ERRS loaded tree debris and root balls into lined roll-off boxes.  All debris was wetted prior to and during loading to minimize the potential for a release of any possible asbestos fibers.  ERRS also began to perform work in the existing drainage swale located at the toe of the slope in the Central Area.  A dam was constructed and a sump pump was utilized to re-route the water from the drainage swale in an attempt to dry out the swale.  The water was re-routed to the western portion of the swale in the Central Area where it was allowed to slowly seep into the soil.  

The CCS material was delivered to the site during the site shutdown.  The CCS material will be installed on the slope in the Central Area once a sufficient grade and compaction are met.

On or about May 27th, ERRS began building forms for a 24 foot section of gabion baskets to be installed at the toe of slope near the corner of the former vermiculite facility.  This area contains a large amount of loose debris and has a near 1:1 slope.  The gabion wall will provide stability and reduce the severity of the slope in that area.  A concrete footer was poured and 2 rows of gabion baskets installed and filled with rip rap.  Overall dimensions of the gabion wall is 24 ft by 6 ft.

On May 29, 2009, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), Clem DeLattre was onsite for an update on site activities.  

For the week of June 1 through June 6

During the reporting week, 5 roll-off boxes arrived on-site.  Roll-offs were double lined and tree debris and root balls were wetted down and then loaded into rolloff boxes for disposal.  ERRS completed loading all the debris into the roll-offs and coordinating T&D.  One roll-off box is not filled to capacity and will be left onsite to use for PPE and any additional debris encountered on the slope.

ERRS continued to prepare the Central Section hillside by filling in voids and low spots with onsite soil taken from high spots as well as using backfill brought onsite.  ERRS used the bucket of the excavator to ensure the face of the slope maintained a consistent and smooth grade.  Approximately 70 percent of the slope has been covered with a thin (1 inch) cover of backfill to help reduce the potential for migration of asbestos fibers until the final CCS material is installed.  Due to rain during the reporting period, the hillside is not ready for compaction.  On June 5th, a representative for the CCS material was on-site to provide hands-on training on assembling the CCS material.
ERRS began to pump water from the existing drainage swale at the toe of the slope into the ravine.  A bucket filter was used to help filter out any sediments and potential asbestos fibers from the water as it was discharged into the ravine area.  Hay bales were placed down-gradient of the bucket filter as a secondary filtration method.  Rain during the reporting week has caused significant problems with the amount of water in the drainage swale.  There is a lot more water in the drainage swale than ever anticipated.  The large amounts of water are making it very muddy and difficult to work in the drainage swale.  ERRS recommended a french drain system be installed in the bottom of the swale to help control the water.  START’s technical consultant agreed with the french drain system and noted that it would not negatively impact the intent of the slope stabilization plan

START’s technical consultant was on-site to review progress and discuss some changes to the Stabilization Plan including extending the berm from the drainage channel to the building, constructing a 24 ft gabion wall at the toe of slope in the Central Area for slope stability purposes, modifying the construction of the drainage swale to include a french drain system and placement of a splash pad at the bottom of the drainage channel.

For the week of June 8 through June 12

ERRS continued to pump water from the existing drainage swale at the toe of the slope into a bucket filter system before discharging the water into the ravine.  The filtration system in the bucket filter consisted of sand, filter fabric, and erosion control matting.  Hay bales were placed down-gradient of the bucket filter as a secondary filtration method.  Cement fines were being added to the saturated mud in the drainage swale to help solidify it.  The mud once solidified  was then excavated from the swale and put on the slope of the hillside.  ERRS began construction of a french drain system in the bottom of the swale to help facilitate drainage.  ERRS also continued to prepare the slope of the Central Section by using the bucket of the excavator to smooth the face of the slope.

Heavy rains on June 11, 2009 eroded significant channels into the surface of the slope on the Central hillside and unearthed underlying concrete and brick debris.  The soil had washed down the slope and covered a large section of the french drain system in the drainage swale.  Large amounts of water were ponded at the downstream section of the drainage swale.  ERRS began to implement measures to minimize any future erosion on the hillside from heavy rains by installing hay bales at the top of hillside as well as an interceptor trench.  Silt fencing was installed on the up-gradient side of the drainage swale to minimize migration of soils into the swale.  ERRS then began to clean out the debris from the swale and remove approximately one foot of loose debris from the hillside and backfill with a clay based soil.

During the reporting week, four roll-off boxes containing tree debris and rootballs were transported offsite for disposal.

START continued to perform daily air sampling and air monitoring around the work area of the Central Area, at the perimeter, and at an offsite reference location.  During the week of June 8, 2009, a total of 68 samples were collected.  Analysis of samples were on-hold pending the award of an analytical laboratory.  A weekly report summarizing the onsite weather station, particulate data, and air sample data was prepared by START.

On June 8, 2009, OSC Lindsey was notified by EPA Client Service Team (CST) that a laboratory will not be chosen for approximately 30 days.  OSC subsequently tasked START to procure a laboratory to provide PCM and TEM analysis on air samples, and to provide data validation services, until a laboratory is awarded through CST.  START began the laboratory procurement process.

On-Going Actions During the Reporting Period

ERRS continued to wet down work areas, access road and support zones for dust suppression.  Wetting operations continued on the weekends..

START continued to perform daily air sampling and air monitoring around the work area (Central Area), at the perimeter, and at an offsite reference location (Ellwood City Fire Station).  During the week of June 1, 2009, a total of 53 samples were collected, which included low flow back-up samples, co-located samples, personnel samples, media blank samples, and field blank samples.  Air monitoring, utilizing the Dataram 4000 particulate monitoring units, was used at each air sample station (except for the offsite reference sample).  START continued to perform cost tracking and documentation of onsite activities.  A weekly report summarizing the onsite weather station, particulate data, and air sample data was prepared by START.

Planned Removal Actions

Make necessary repairs to the hillside and continue to prepare slope for installation of CCS material

Cleanout soil and debris from drainage swale due to recent rains.

Begin installing a french drain system in the drainage swale to help manage the continuous recharge of surface water into the swale.

Continue to conduct air monitoring and air sampling.

Key Issues

Continue to work with the Buffalo & Pttsburgh Railroad and CSX Transportation on an executed access agreement.

Continue to monitor status of the procurment for analytical laboratory services with the Client Services Team in Ft. Meade.
