United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Deborah Lindsey


On-Going Removal Activities
WRG4 Vermiculite Site
1210 Factory Street, Ellwood City, PA
Latitude: 40.8595660
Longitude: -80.3000080

Site #:
Reporting Period:
6/16/09 - 7/9/09
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

See previous POLREP for Site description information

Current Activities

For the week of June 15 – June 21

ERRS continued to work on constructing the drainage swale at the toe of the slope.  Water continued to be pumped from the swale into the ravine area after first passing through filters.  Concrete fines continued to be delivered to the site and used in the drainage swale to help solidify the mud and make it easier to move. ERRS continued to remove the soil and debris which had washed into the drainage swale and place it back onto the slope.  Due to the limited access (directly adjacent to railroad property), and the wet conditions in the drainage swale, most of the work in the swale had to be performed by hand.  ERRS used shovels to ensure the slope of the swale was such that water would not pool and would continue to flow downgradient.  ERRS continued to repair the gullies that had eroded into the slope face from last  weeks heavy rains.  Approximately 1 foot of the exposed debris in the gullies was removed and placed on the western section of the Central Area.  The excavated area was then filled in with clean backfill.  ERRS then used the bucket of the excavator to smooth and compact the slope face

START’s technical consultant arrived on-site to review the erosion damage caused by the water.  The following issues and/or recommendations were discussed (1) a filter fabric should be used to help control groundwater seeping out of the slope face.  The fabirc would be placed on the slope face at the numerous seep areas and will extend down into the drainage swale.  The CCS material would then be installed on top of the filter fabric.  (2) A drain pipe will be installed underneath the former railroad spur at the toe of the slope.  The drainage swale will flow into the pipe and will exit via the pipe into the ravine rather than a rip rap apron  as originally proposed.

Measurable rain events occurred for the next three days during the reporting period.  Minimal work could be accomplished.  ERRS focused on pumping water from the drainage swale and installing a 18 inch culvert pipe at the end of the drainage swale to help in carry water into the ravine.

During the reporting week, one roll-off box containing tree debris and root balls was transported offsite for disposal.

START continued to perform daily air sampling and air monitoring around the work area in the Central Area, at the perimeter, and at an offsite reference location (Ellwood City Fire Station).  During the week of June 15, 2009, a total of 26 samples were collected.  Analysis of samples was on-hold pending the award of an analytical laboratory.  START continued to perform cost tracking and documentation of onsite activities.  A weekly report summarizing the onsite weather station, particulate data, and air sample data continued to be prepared by START.

For the week of June 22 through June 26

Heavy rains that occurred between June 17 and 19, 2009 caused additional significant erosion on the slope of the hillside.  ERRS had to clean out bricks, large rocks and debris from the drainage swale and staged the debris at the equipment decon area.  ERRS re-installed the french drain system at the bottom of the drain swale as the previous one was damaged.  ERRS began to cut back the top of the slope up to a maximum of 2 feet in order to help reduce the grade of the slope.  The soil removed from the top of the slope was put back on the westernmost section of the Central Area in order to fill in low spots in this area.

ERRS excavated a “bench” into the slope near the boundary of the Central and Western Areas.  The bench provided a place for the longstick excavator to operate from and to be able to reach down to the bottom of the slope and compact and smooth the surface soil on the slope.  Once ERRS completed the compacting and smoothing of the surface soil, the bench area was filled in with clean backfill material.  The hillside is now ready for the cellular confinement system (CCS) to be installed.

START continued to perform daily air sampling and air monitoring around the work area in the Central Area, at the perimeter, and at an offsite reference location (Ellwood City Fire Station).  During the week of June 22, 2009, a total of 70 samples were collected.  Analysis of samples was on-hold pending the award of an analytical laboratory.   As requested by the OSC, START began to prepare for procurement of an analytical subcontract to analyze air samples for PCM and TEM analysis since the analytical request through CST continues to experience delays.

On June 24, 2009, the OSC, START, and EPA’s Client Service Team (CST) had a conference call to discuss vendor questions relating to the analytical request.

For the week of June 29 through July 3

Preparation of the hillside on the Central Section was completed during the reporting week and ERRS began preparing to install the CCS panels.  ERRS excavated a trench approximately 150 feet long and ranging from 4 to 5.5 feet in depth.  The plan required a 5.5 ft trench but a set of railroad tracks were discovered at approx 4.5 feet below grade and limited the excavation.  The plan was modified to allow for a 4 ft deep trench with 15 inches of concrete placed on top of the pipe.  The trench was filled to a uniform depth and 100 feet of Schedule 80 anchor pipe was laid into the trench.  While an ERRS crew was working on the trenching, a second ERRS crew was assembling the CCS panels prior to laying them on the hillside.  A total of 15 sections of CCS panels were assembled during the reporting period.  The CCS panels were laid at the crest of the hillside and dropped to approximately half way down the slope in order for ERRS to attached the panels together.  The CCS panels were then dropped the remaining distance to the bottom of the slope and attached together.  The tendons were then tied to the anchor pipe.  Crews were able to install seven panels of the CCS onto the hillside with additional time to needed to attach the panels together.  

START conducted air monitoring/air sampling at the 5 onsite and 1 offsite reference location during the reporting period, weather permitting.  START troubleshooting equipment problems during the week.  START awarded an analytical laboratory subcontract and prepared the first set of samples to be analyzed for shipment.  

The OSC and START also participated in a conference call with CST on questions received regarding the analytical lab RFQ.  

For the week of July 6 through July 9

ERRS continued to install CCS panels on the hillside completing the installation of a total of 17 panels.  Approximately 150 feet of trench has been excavated and a total of 7 sections (20 feet in length) of Schedule 80 anchor piping installed.  Concrete was poured into the anchor trench, as specified.  Once the concrete was sufficiently set, the trench was ackfilled.  Crews continue to check all panels to make sure the panels are sufficiently attached and staked.  ERRS also trimmed panels at the toe of the slope and installed silt fencing at the bottom of the slope.  ERRS continued to assemble CCS panels.  Approximately 10 additional panels are needed to complete the hillside.  ERRS prepared the Site for a shutdown by covering and securing material stockpiles, securing fencing and general site cleanup.  

START conducted air monitoring/air sampling at the 5 onsite and 1 offsite reference location during the reporting period.  START troubleshooting equipment problems during the week and documenting on-site activities.  START received the first sets of analytical results from START lab.  Preliminary data reported that the work area locations, perimeter stations and reference all at 0.001 f/cc.  A second set of samples were also shipped to the START lab.

The OSC continued to check with CST on the status of the award of an analytical laboratory contract.  Bids are currently being reviewed and an award should be made shortly.

On-Going Actions During the Reporting Period

ERRS continued to wet down work areas, access road and support zones for dust suppression.  Wetting operations continued on the weekends.

START continued to perform daily air sampling and air monitoring around the work area (Central Area), at the perimeter, and at an offsite reference location (Ellwood City Fire Station).  During the week of June 1, 2009, a total of 53 samples were collected, which included low flow back-up samples, co-located samples, personnel samples, media blank samples, and field blank samples.  Air monitoring, utilizing the Dataram 4000 particulate monitoring units, was used at each air sample station (except for the offsite reference sample).  START continued to perform cost tracking and documentation of onsite activities.  A weekly report summarizing the onsite weather station, particulate data, and air sample data was prepared by START.

Planned Removal Actions

Complete installation of the CCS material on the Central Section

Begin clearing vegetation from the Western Section and preparing hillside for installation of a turf reinformed mat (TRM) system on the hillside.

Continue air monitoring and air sampling.

Key Issues

Continue to work with the Buffalo & Pttsburgh Railroad and CSX Transportation on an executed access agreement.

Continue to monitor status of the procurment for analytical laboratory services with the Client Services Team in Ft. Meade.
