United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Monday, August 17, 2009
Deborah Lindsey


On-Going Removal Action
WRG4 Vermiculite Site
1210 Factory Street, Ellwood City, PA
Latitude: 40.8595660
Longitude: -80.3000080

Site #:
Reporting Period:
7/10/09 - 7/31/09
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

See previous POLREP for Site description information

Current Activities

The Site was shutdown from July 10, 2009 through July 14, 2009 for a scheduled work break.  

For the week of July 15 through July 17

ERRS continued to work on the installation of the CCS on the hillside in the Central Section.  ERRS excavated approximately 100 feet of trench at the top of the hill and laid 5 sections of Schedule 80 pipe inside the trench to act as an anchor pipe for the CCS tendons.  Crew continued to assemble CCS panels in staging area prior to moving them to the hillside for installation.  On average, each panel is 8 feet wide and 50 feet long.  Panels over 20 feet in length require additional assembling.  ERRS assembled 16 panels and was in the process of installing 11 sections of the CCS on the hillside including tying them to the anchor pipe.  

START conducted air monitoring/air sampling at 5 onsite and the 1 offsite reference location.  START shipped out 17 air samples collected during the period of July 15 -17, 2009 to the START laboratory for analysis.  START also worked on sampling equipment needs and coordinated with the COOP and vendors.  

For the week of July 20 through July 24

ERRS completed installing the eleven (11) CCS panels on the hillside and the anchor trench was filled in with 30 inches of concrete and then backfilled.  ERRS completed prepping the remaining section of hillside (western side of the Central section) for CCS installation and excavated another 40 feet of trench for the last remaining anchor pipe.  Two sections of Schedule 80 pipe was placed in the trench and seven (7) CCS panels were installed on the hillside.  On July 24th, the last section of anchor trench was filled with 30 inches of concrete and backfilled after concrete had set.

Heavy rains on July 22 and 23 caused some washout from the hillside and into the drainage swale.  Crews secured the site after the rains and cleared tree limbs and washout from the swale.  ERRS also lined the top of the hillside with hay bales to help slow down and divert the drainage from the parking lot.  ERRS did not work full days due to the rain and muddy conditions.  

During the reporting week, ERRS also cleared vegetation on 40 feet of hillside on the Western Section and removed 5 sections of the temporary erosion control panels.

START conducted daily air monitoring/air sampling at 5 onsite and the 1 offsite reference location.  Sampling was not conducted on July 24th due to rain.  START shipped out 26 air samples collected during the period of July 20 – July 23, 2009 to the START laboratory for analysis.  START continued to troubleshoot equipment problems when they occurred

On July 24th, an award was made to a DAS laboratory for analytical services for air and soil samples being collected at the Site.  

For the week of July 27 through July 30

ERRS began to install the TRM material on the area of the Western Section where the vegetation was cleared.  An anchor trench was excavated at the top of the hillside to secure the TRM material and then the TRM was rolled on to the hillside and stapled.  ERRS completed installation of 40 feet of the TRM material during the reporting week.  ERRS also placed topsoil into approximately two-thirds of the CCS (170 feet of hillside) by filling it from the top with a longstick excavator and completed installation of the last five (5) CCS panels.  Approximately 250 ft of concrete forms were built to form a curb at the top of the hill in preparation for concrete to be poured in the first 2 feet of CCS.  Significant rains shut down site operations on July 29th.  ERRS reported back to work the next day after the rains and cleaned out the drainage swale from washout from the hillside.  ERRS prepared the site for shutdown by securing equipment, stockpiles and fencing.

START conducted daily air monitoring/air sampling at 5 onsite and the 1 offsite reference location.  Sampling was not conducted on July 29 and July 30, 2009 due to rain.  START shipped out 19 air samples collected during the period of July 24 – July 27, 2009 to the START laboratory for analysis.  START continued to troubleshoot equipment problems when they occurred.  START also worked on downloading data from DataRams and weather station and inputted air sampling information into spreadsheets.  

On-Going Actions During the Reporting Period

ERRS continued to wet down work areas, access road and support zones for dust suppression

The START air sampling and air monitoring program includes collecting air samples around the designated work area, perimeter stations and at an offsite reference location (Ellwood City Fire Station).  The Air Sampling consists of high volume air sampling with an Aircon II sampling pump and co-located low flow air sampling as a backup sample. Air samples collected included low flow back-up samples, co-located samples, personnel samples, media blank samples, and field blank samples   Air monitoring is being conducted utilizing Dataram 4000 particulate monitoring units collocated at each of the air sampling stations except for the offsite reference location.  A meteorological weather station is used to monitor on-site conditions and data used to generate daily wind roses.

Planned Removal Actions

Complete final installation of the CCS system including concrete in first 2 feet of CCS, pouring concrete drainage channel and concrete curb.

Complete implementing cover system on the Western Section including clearing all vegetation, installation of TRM system and installation of 60 feet of CCS on hillside adjacent to the temporary access road

Continue to conduct air monitoring and air sampling

Key Issues

Continue to work with the Buffalo & Pttsburgh Railroad and CSX Transportation on an executed access agreement.
