United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Deborah Lindsey


Final POLREP Completion of Removal Activities
WRG4 Vermiculite Site
1210 Factory Street, Ellwood City, PA
Latitude: 40.8595660
Longitude: -80.3000080

Site #:
Reporting Period:
9/4/09 - 9/30/09
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

See previous POLREP for Site description information

Current Activities

The Site was shutdown from September 4, 2009 through September 8, 2009 for the Labor Day holiday and scheduled work break.  No problems reported at the Site during the break.  

For the week of September 9 through September 12

ERRS mobilized back to the Site and continued to work behind the former vermiculite building on the Eastern Section preparing the hillside for installation of the silt soxs and placing rip rap in the drainage channels.  ERRS also built forms for a concrete splash pad to be installed behind the building and had forms filled with concrete.  The splash pad will provide a cover system over the asbestos-contaminated soils adjacent to the building and redirect precipitation from the roof and gutters into the drainage channels to minimize erosion of asbestos contaminated soils from the hillside.  ERRS installed chain link fencing around the perimeter of the hillsides as required under NESHAP.  ERRS also pressure washing concrete debris that has been removed from the hillsides and staged at the equipment decon area.    

START conducted daily air monitoring/air sampling at 4 on-site and the 1 off-site reference location.  START shipped out 19 air samples collected during the period of September 3 ā€“ September 10, 2009 to the START laboratory for analysis.  START continued to troubleshoot equipment problems when they occurred and documented on-site activities during the periodic equipment checks.  START also inputted data into Scribe and air sampling worksheets.

For the week of September 14 through September 18

ERRS continued to work behind the former vermiculite building on the Eastern Section preparing the hillside for installation of the silt soxs and placing rip rap in the drainage channels.  The silt soxs arrived on-site for installation on the Eastern hillside.  The silt soxs are a nylon/polyester fabric tube filled with a combination of soil, manure and grass seed.  The tubes are approximately 4 ft in length and 9 inches in diameter and weigh approximately 80 pounds.  The soxs will be installed on the Eastern hillside and provide a 9 inch cover of soil over the asbestos contaminated soils and the tubes will provide slope stabilization, erosion control and allow for vegetation establishment.  ERRS began installing the silt sox and completed 165 feet of hillside with the installation of 1900 silt soxs.   ERRS finished cutting the asphalt at the outer perimeter of the Moose Lodge parking lot and removed the outer 1-2 feet of asphalt in preparation for asphalt repairs due to damage caused by the cleanup equipment.  ERRS also continued to install chain link fencing around the perimeter of the hillsides as required under NESHAP

START conducted daily air monitoring/air sampling at 4 on-site and the 1 off-site reference location.  START shipped out 8 air samples to the START laboratory and 46 air samples to the DAS laboratory during the reporting week.  START continued to troubleshoot equipment problems when they occurred and documented on-site activities during the periodic equipment checks.  START also inputted data into Scribe and air sampling worksheets

EPA signed and distributed the Access Agreement with the Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad (BPRR) and CSX for a fully executed agreement.  The OSC made contact with the BPRR representative to request a flagman in order for ERRS to work at the bottom of the hillside with equipment.  The OSC thought flagman services to be setup for Monday, September 21st.  

For the week of September 21 through September 30

ERRS completed installation of the silt soxs on the Eastern hillside on September 25th.  Approximately 3300 silt socks were installed on the hillside and anchored with ā€œLā€ shaped rebar to hold in place, where necessary.  ERRS prepped and compacted the outer perimeter area of the Moose Lodge parking lot which was designated for asphalt repairs.  Asphalt repairs were made on the morning of September 30th.  The silt fencing located at the bottom of the Central hillside was removed and a filtrex silt sox was installed along the perimeter in an attempt to minimize soil erosion into the drainage swale.  ERRS also conducted a final dress out of the drainage swale by removing any soil that had washed into the swale and minor regarding.  A small section of swale beside the channel splash pad tends to have ponding water which percolates slowly down into the french drain system.  ERRS completed installation of chain link fencing around the hillsides as required by NESHAP.  The two roll-offs containing tree debris from the Eastern Section were picked up for T&D.  Roll-offs are being disposed at the EQ - Wayne Disposal Facility in Belleville, MI.  ERRS provided final grading and rolling of gravel in parking lot which is upgradient of the Central Section to ensure surface water drainage flows toward the drainage channel.  ERRS conducted overall site cleanup and prepared the Site for final shutdown.  All personnel, equipment and materials will be demobing at the end of the reporting period.

A site walk through was conducted with PADEP Clem DeLattre on September 29, 2009.  Mr. DeLattre had no issues with the removal activities conducted at the Site.

START conducted air monitoring/air sampling at 4 on-site and the 1 off-site reference location.  START shipped out air samples to the START laboratory.  Shipment of samples to the DAS laboratory is on-old pending further evaluation of the overloading results reported by the lab.  START continued to troubleshoot equipment problems when they occurred and documented on-site activities during the periodic equipment checks.  START also inputted data into Scribe and air sampling worksheets

Planned Removal Actions

Removal Action Complete
