Stubblefield Salvage - Removal Polrep

EPA Emergency Response

Region X

Subject: POLREP #2
Stubblefield Salvage
Walla Walla, WA
Latitude: 46.0646500 Longitude: -118.3689200

From: Greg Weigel, OSC
Date: 10/23/2009
Reporting Period: 10/16/2009 - 10/23/2009

1. Introduction
  1.1 Background
Site Number: 10HD    Contract Number:  
D.O. Number:      Action Memo Date: 9/6/2009
Response Authority: CERCLA    Response Type: Time-Critical
Response Lead: EPA    Incident Category: Removal Action
NPL Status: Non NPL    Operable Unit:
Mobilization Date: 10/12/2009    Start Date: 10/13/2009
Demob Date: 10/23/2009    Completion Date:  
ERNS No.:    State Notification:
FPN#:    Reimbursable Account #:

1.1.1 Incident Category
Active Production Facility.

1.1.2 Site Description
See POLREP 1. Location Description of Threat

1.1.3 Preliminary Removal Assessment/Removal Site Inspection Results

2. Current Activities
  2.1 Operations Section
2.1.1 Narrative
An Action Memorandum was approved on September 6, 2009.  The removal is a Fund-lead action.  START and ERRS contractor personnel and equipment mobilized to begin work at the Site on October 13, 2009.  Completed Phase 1 of the removal, addressing surface contamination issues, and temporarily demobilized on October 23, 2009.  Phase 2 of the planned removal action, to address PCB and PAH contaminated soils at depth, is pending additional characterization and analysis of engineering alternatives.

2.1.2 Response Actions to Date (for reporting period)
10/16/09 - ERRS continued consolidating drummed wastes.  ERRS asbestos abatement subcontractor completed removal of damaged and friable asbestos siding from shop building and cleanup around building.  START contractor identified extent of contamination above action level of previously identified "hot spots" with high lead concentration in surface soils - one being a broken battery storage area and the others contaminated from unknown source.  START continued operating air sampling stations for asbestos.

10/17/09 - ERRS excavated surface contaminated soils, to a maximum depth of approximately 1 foot, at the 3 identified lead contaminated "hot spots."  START conducted cleanup confirmation using field portable Innovex XRF.  Selected action/cleanup level is Washington MTCA cleanup standard for industrial soils of 1,000 ppm lead.  Total approximately 75 cubic yards soils excavated at the three locations, and temporarily staged on Site.

10/18/09 - Day off.

10/19/09 - OSC Fowlow arrived to replace OSC Weigel, who demobilized.  ERRS and ERRS asbestos abatement subcontractor began addressing the large pile of friable asbestos containing material at the NE corner of the Site.  Reportedly, some years ago approximately 20 tons of 4' by 8' asbestos containing corrugated sheet panels were received at the Site.  Since that time the panels have become broken and intermingled with metal scrap and dirt that have been piled over the asbestos panels.  ERRS began segrating the scrap and ucontaminated material from the pile of asbestos panels and intermingled dirt with broken up ACM pieces.  START continued operating asbestos sampling stations.

10/20/09 - ERRS and ERRS subcontractor continued segrating ACM and ACM contaminated soils and loading into 20 yard roll-off bins.

10/21/09 - ERRS loaded out for disposal 5 trucks of lead soils (approximately 75 cubic yards).  Continued segregating and loading ACM and ACM contaminated soils.  Loaded out non-PCB liquid waste via vac truck.  START demobilized.

10/22/09 - ERRS shipped off for disposal remaining drums.  Finished loading and shipping ACM and ACM contaminated soils.  Deconned equipment for demobilization.

10/23/09 - ERRS demobilized all personnel and equipment, except office trailer.

2.1.3 Enforcement Activities, Identity of Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs)
Identified PRPs include Stubblefield Salvage and Recycling, LLC, as well as its owners and officers.

2.1.4 Progress Metrics

Waste Stream Medium Quantity Manifest # Treatment Disposal
Non-RCRA lead soils Soils 75 cy                 
Asbestos waste Soils         150 cy      
PCB oils and sludge 7 drums      
PCB oils and water 11 drums
Non-TSCA PCB debris 40 cy
Paint related material 3 drums

  2.2 Planning Section
    2.2.1 Anticipated Activities Planned Response Activities

The present mobilization is Phase I of the planned removal, to address surface hazardous substances and contamination.  Additional planning and engineering is required for the Phase II part of the removal, to address a soil contaminant source area at depth that extends beneath the heavy hydraulic equipment and building.  START is preparing an engineering alternatives analysis to identify options to excavate the accessible contamination and address the mobility potential of contamination under the equipment and building.  Mobilization for Phase II of the removal is anticipated in November. Next Steps

2.2.2 Issues

  2.3 Logistics Section
    No information available at this time.

  2.4 Finance Section
    No information available at this time.

  2.5 Other Command Staff
    No information available at this time.

3. Participating Entities
  No information available at this time.

4. Personnel On Site
  For most of reporting period 10/16 - 1/23/09:
ERRS - 5
ERRS subcontractor - 3
EPA - 1

5. Definition of Terms
  PAHs - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
OSC - On-Scene Coordinator
PCBs - Polychlorinated Biphenyls
ARARs - Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements
VOCs - Volatile Organic Compounds
ACM - Asbestos Containing Material
MTCA - Washington State's Model Toxics Control Act

6. Additional sources of information
  No information available at this time.

7. Situational Reference Materials
  No information available at this time.