United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Monday, June 21, 2010
Jack Downie


Disposal Sampling
Remacor, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, West Pittsburg, PA
Latitude: 40.9349711
Longitude: -80.3686583

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

EPA has been performing an emergency removal action at this site which has primarily involved the stabilization, repackaging, transportation, and removal of hazardous magnesium materials and other solid wastes from the facility.  EPA completed repackaging abandoned magnesium materials that have been stored in drums that have succumbed to varying degrees of corrosion.  The repackaged materials have now been removed from the site.  Areas of the site including open pad areas, low areas and drainage ways have been cleared of residual wastes that had spilled when the facility was operating. Low-level radioactive solids, and miscellaneous waste material have been packaged and shipped off site for disposal. Lime was removed from eight large vertical vats located on the west and south side of building 2. The lime was neutralized and shipped off site for disposal.  Materials were separated from a large debris pile on the south side of the property that contained broken concrete embedded with rebar, and large pieces of scrap metal, mixed with dirt and other fines. The metal was shipped off site for recycling and the concrete and soil were shipped to landfill. Surface soil has been excavated from locations where elevated arsenic and lead are present.  PADEP is performing an extent of contamination study. Site security operations are now relinquished to Lawrence County and Taylor Township officials. The Site is a PADEP HSCA Site. The PADEP HSCA program is finishing up the field work for the extent of contamination study. EPA is supporting PADEP in this regard as requested.

Current Activities

PADEP requested EPA assistance in the disposal of the remaining investigation derived waste (IDW)  generated by EPA and PADEP during investigative and extent of contamination actions at the site.

On 6/10/10, EPA, PADEP, START, and ERRS mobed to the site to collect samples for disposal analysis.  ERRS collected a total of six samples for disposal analysis.  

Sample 001 was a composite sample from Drum numbers 1 - 7 containing soil cuttings (MW-5, MW-6, and MW-12)  Sample 001A was a composite sample of drum numbers 8 - 14 containing soil cuttings (MW-7, MW-11, and MW-13).  Sample 001B was a composite sample from drum numbers 15-20 from soil cuttings (MW-8, MW-9, MW-10, Composite Geoprobe Borings, and Sample Packs).

Sample 002 was a 9-point composite sample of a pile of soil excavated while tracking an underground pipe during the investigation.

Sample 003 was a 4-point composite of sludge from the reaction pit.

Sample 004 was a grab sample from a frac tank containing approx 17,500 gallons.  A sludge judge was used to check for layering within the tank.

Sample 005 was a 2-point composite from a "catch basin" unearthed by PADEP near the southern fence line in the field containing the pond.  Solvent/Resin-like odors were noted during sampling of this material.

Sample 006 was a grab sample from drum labeled "4-21-09" that contained a hard black solid covered in a greenish coating.

All samples were sent off for disposal analysis.

A meeting was held with an adjacent property owner. A fence that EPA installed during the initial activation was several feet onto the adjacent property due to the fact that drums and fire debris had been bulldozed over the property line prior to EPA involvement. EPA will move the fence to reflect the actural property line during the next mobilization.

Planned Removal Actions

Obtain disposal approvals at permitted facilities. Arrange transportation and disposal of remaining IDW waste on-site.

Next Steps

Load and ship remaining IDW wastes to approved facilities.
Relocate a small section of fence line.
At present it is anticipated that this site will be closed out with POLREP 205 and Final once these activities are completed.

Disposition of Wastes

Disposal Summary as of 12/09/09:

Magnesium Turnings, Flammable Solid, Haz Mat:   6,017,825 pounds
Magnesium Scrap, Non-Haz Mat:   766,273  pounds
Total:   6,784,098 pounds

Low Level RAD drums:     334,275 pounds
Bulk Load Waste Piles:     15,058,520 pounds

Waste misc. liquids (Non-magnesium):    4,125 gallons
Waste misc. solids (Non-magnesium):     228,759 pounds
