United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Monday, April 11, 2011
Dominic Ventura


Continuing Removal Action
Stoney Creek Technologies
3300 4th Street, Trainer, PA
Latitude: 39.8300000
Longitude: -75.3975000

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

See previous POLREPs for Site description information.

Neither Stoney Creek Technologies nor any other Respondent to EPA's Orders or Potentially Responsible Party is conducting response actions due to bankruptcy, financial inability, or other reasons; therefore, EPA continues to use its own contractor resources to conduct response actions at the Site.  

Current Activities

- On March 28 EPA discovered that check valve on a pipe off of T-460 had had failed causing water to leak during the previous weekend.  Approximately 15000 gallons of acidic waste water leaked from T-460 through the failed valve, down the storm drain, and into the waste water treatment plant.  An unknown quantity was released through the WWTP into Stoney Creek.  ERRS were able to stop the leak upon discovery.   Acidic waste water was removed from the waste water treatment plant and transferred back into T-460.

-  On March 29 spent sulfuric acid spilled from T-134 into its spill containment.  Due to contractors failure to plug drain prior to opening the tank an unknown quantity of material made it into the waste water treatment plant.  Stoney Creek was not impacted from this incident. Material in the containment was drummed.  WWTP was emptied and cleaned. Tanks 460 and 190 are being used for storage of acidic water. Impacted storm drains were flushed with caustic solution.  

-As of April 1, decon of WWTP and storm drain was complete.   Since then, pH of water in the WWTP has been closely monitored.  Water has ranged  from pH of 6-8.  EPA collected a sample from T-200 (WWTP holding tank) on April 5 and plans to collect additional samples and continue monitoring pH of water to ensure that water quality meets prior NPDES permit levels and any applicable water quality criteria.  On April 11, based on preliminary analytical results and neutral pH the OSC gave approval to contractors to discharge a portion of the water being held in T-200.        

-ERRS contractors continue removal of chemical materials from the bottoms of storage tanks.  Cleaning of tanks requires permitted confined space entries.  ERRS is currently making an effort to deal with all acidic wastes before hot weather arrives.  T-458, T-105, T-426, T-427, T-432, T-433, T-434, T-200, T-438, T-701 and T-132 have been cleaned since the last Pollution Report.  Waste generated from tank cleaning is being stored on site in drums.  T-105, an Oleum tank, was cleaned by flushing it with waste water from T-460.  Heels from T-134 and T-120 are currently being removed.   There are approximately 50-60 tanks on site which still need to be addressed.

- To date, approximately 830,483 gallons of material have been disposed of off- site.  Approximately 990 drums (approximately 54,000 gallons) are currently being staged on site.  Disposal of drums will be completed after receipt of additional funding.  The consolidation tanks currently hold approximately 20,580 gallons of material. EPA plans to dispose of material in consolidation tanks in warmer weather so that material will flow more readily.  Options for disposing of waste water stored in tanks 460 and 190 are currently being explored.  

- ERRS continues to operate and monitor the waste water treatment plant under new procedures approved by the OSC.

- START contractors are performing air monitoring for hazardous atmospheres prior to and during tank entry to ensure worker protection.  START is maintaining an inventory of tank contents and tracking progress of removal. START is also preparing to sample pipe and tank insulation which has been contaminated with oily material for asbestos to ensure worker protection while it is being cleaned.

Planned Removal Actions

- Complete removal of chemicals from tanks, piping, and process equipment.  
- Decontaminate site drainage system and solid surfaces.
- Remove contaminated surface soil by rail loading areas.

Next Steps

- Continue tank cleaning operations.
- Continue to monitor, treat, and discharge waste water from the site into Stoney Creek.
- Arrange for disposal of waste staged on site.

Key Issues

-  ERRS was directed to develop written procedures for conducting tank clean out operations and operating the WWTP to prevent future releases to the WWTP and Stoney Creek.

Disposition of Wastes

Disposal activities include disposal from individual tanks, tank consolidations, and a variety of drums.  Single manifests may include wastes from multiple sources.  Wastes are primarily disposed as corrosive (acids and caustics), flammable (items containing solvents), and non hazardous (primarily oil-based materials).

Waste Stream Quantity Manifest # Disposal Facility
T-132  22,200 gal.  various (D002)  Vickery Env. Inc., Vickery, OH 
T-134  7,900 gal.  various (D002)  Vickery Env. Inc., Vickery, OH 
T-171  22,363 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-172  13,816 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-174  3,800 gal.  various (D001, D002)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-174  42,464 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-176  35,621 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-198  3,960 gal.  various (Non-Haz)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-201  10,742 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-337  11,190 gal.  various (Non-Haz)  Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA 
T-340  19,967 gal.  various (Non-Haz)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-401  5,000 gal.  various (D001, D002, D003)  Clean Harbors, El Dorado, AR 
T-406  24,375 gal.  various (D001)  Heritage WTI, East Liverpool, OH 
T-407  14,892 gal.  various (D001, D002)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-411  12,776 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-420  10,004 gal.  various (D001)  Casie Protank, Vineland, NJ 
T-421  9,010 gal.  various (D001)  Casie Protank, Vineland, NJ 
T-422  7,661 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-424  8,638 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-425  8,450 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-431A  32,631 gal.  various (D001, D002, D003)  Clean Harbors, El Dorado, AR 
T-437  23,470 gal.  various (D001, D002)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-495  3,701 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-521  16,667 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA 
T-525 (Mar. 09)  69,561 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-525 (Jan. 10)  45,050 gal.  various (sludge)  Republic, Hatfield, PA and Veolia ES Greentree, Kersey, PA 
T-526 (Mar. 09)  46,592 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-526 (Jan. 10)  30,340 gal.  various (sludge)  Republic, Hatfield, PA 
T-527 (tank bottom)  7,775 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-527 (tank top)  10,287 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, WIlmington, DE 
T-539 (Feb. 09)  19,354 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA 
T-539 (Oct. 09)  22,625 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-640  34,208 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-641  30,609 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-660  30,750 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-661  21,264 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA 
T-663  41,010 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-680  17,013 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-681  20,339 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-105  12,608 gal.  various (D002)  Vickery Environmental, Vickery, OH 
D-191  400 gal.  various (D002)  Vickery Environmental, Vickery, OH 
