United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Friday, October 25, 2013
Dominic Ventura


Site Assessment
Stoney Creek Technologies
3300 4th Street, Trainer, PA
Latitude: 39.8300000
Longitude: -75.3975000

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Assessment
Contract #

Site Description

The site is located in a mixed industrial and residential area of Trainer, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The site includes a chemical manufacturing facility consisting of about 200 tanks, several buildings, a laboratory, a wastewater treatment facility, and many processing vessels, equipment items, systems, and pipelines which were used in or are related to the chemical manufacturing processes. Chemicals at the facility included oleum, methanol, heptane, mineral spirits, sulfuric acid, and others including many mixtures.  On April 12, 2007, the OSC was notified by EPA Region III staff that the facility was in bankruptcy court and that chemical substances remained at the facility which may pose a threat. EPA issued Orders to Stoney Creek Technologies and other companies to remove the inventory at the site in order to reduce the potential threats posed by chemicals.

In October 2008, EPA initiated removal activities at the site since Stoney Creek Technologies and other companies which received orders from EPA had failed to remove the chemical inventory.  EPA removal activities included: removing chemicals from tanks, equipment, and piping; decontaminating exterior surfaces to prevent migration of chemicals off site via surface runoff; and decontaminating and reconfiguring the site storm sewer system and waste water treatment plant.  All removal activities were completed in December 10, 2012.

Current Activities

The OSC discovered that the property was sold to Trainer Custom Chemicals and that the company is currently demolishing sections of the plant including storage tanks and process equipment.  On September 25, 2013 EPA and PADEP conducted a site assessment at the property to ensure that activities undertaken by the current owner have not caused a release or threat of release of hazardous substances which might require a removal action.  

OSC Dominic Ventura and PADEP representative Colin Wade met the Mr. James Halkins, President of Trainer Custom Chemicals, LLC at the property at 11:00 on September 25, 2013.  EPA observed that numerous storage tanks and process equipment have been demolished.  Oil staining was observed on the ground in several areas where demolition was occurring.  However, no releases were observed which the OSC believes pose a threat of off site migration.  Mr. Halkins stated that site drainage in work areas has been blocked off and that any small spills that occurred during demolition would be cleaned up.  EPA and PADEP observed Stoney Creek and water discharging from the site storm water system to Stoney Creek.  No oil sheen was observed.  

The OSC asked Mr. Hawkins how he was characterizing any waste generated at the facility.  Mr. Hawkins replied that he was generally unfamiliar with the requirements in RCRA.  The OSC suggested that Trainer Custom Chemicals should become familiar with RCRA or hire a consultant who could help them with sampling and characterizing waste.  The OSC asked whether insulation on piping was being sampled for asbestos prior to demolition.  Mr. Hawkins stated that they had not sampled for asbestos and explained that significant asbestos abatement had been conducted at the facility by a previous owner.   The OSC responded that although some abatement may have been previously conducted, additional sampling should be conducted prior to disturbing insulation because it is not clear what areas were previously sampled/abated and what areas were not.  The OSC explained that targeted asbestos sampling was conducted by EPA prior to removing pipe wrap in some areas and that asbestos containing material was identified in several locations.  Mr. Hawkins responded that they would hire a contractor to sample pipe wrap and conduct abatement as needed.  

The OSC does not believe that a threat exists at the site which warrants a removal action.  However, as noted above, there are several waste management issues that may exist.  PADEP reported to EPA that PADEP's Hazardous Waste Program has been notified of potential issues at the site.

Planned Removal Actions

No removal action is planned

Next Steps

-EPA and PADEP are evaluating whether a remedial action is needed at the property.  A decision has not yet been made.

Disposition of Wastes

Disposal activities include disposal from individual tanks, tank consolidations, and a variety of drums.  Single manifests may include wastes from multiple sources.  Wastes are primarily disposed as corrosive (acids and caustics), flammable (items containing solvents), and non hazardous (primarily oil-based materials).

Waste Stream Quantity Manifest # Disposal Facility
T-132  22,200 gal.  various (D002)  Vickery Env. Inc., Vickery, OH 
T-134  7,900 gal.  various (D002)  Vickery Env. Inc., Vickery, OH 
T-171  22,363 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-172  13,816 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-174  3,800 gal.  various (D001, D002)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-174  42,464 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-176  35,621 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-198  3,960 gal.  various (Non-Haz)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-201  10,742 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-337  11,190 gal.  various (Non-Haz)  Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA 
T-340  19,967 gal.  various (Non-Haz)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-401  5,000 gal.  various (D001, D002, D003)  Clean Harbors, El Dorado, AR 
T-406  24,375 gal.  various (D001)  Heritage WTI, East Liverpool, OH 
T-407  14,892 gal.  various (D001, D002)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-411  12,776 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-420  10,004 gal.  various (D001)  Casie Protank, Vineland, NJ 
T-421  9,010 gal.  various (D001)  Casie Protank, Vineland, NJ 
T-422  7,661 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-424  8,638 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-193  16,908 gal.  various; #001052715GBF; #001052776GBF  Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
T-425  8,450 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-431A  32,631 gal.  various (D001, D002, D003)  Clean Harbors, El Dorado, AR 
T-437  23,470 gal.  various (D001, D002)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-495  3,701 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-521  16,667 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA 
T-525 (Mar. 09)  69,561 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-525 (Jan. 10)  45,050 gal.  various (sludge)  Republic, Hatfield, PA and Veolia ES Greentree, Kersey, PA 
T-526 (Mar. 09)  46,592 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-526 (Jan. 10)  30,340 gal.  various (sludge)  Republic, Hatfield, PA 
T-527 (tank bottom)  7,775 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-527 (tank top)  10,287 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, WIlmington, DE 
T-539 (Feb. 09)  19,354 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA 
T-539 (Oct. 09)  22,625 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-640  34,208 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-641  30,609 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-660  30,750 gal.  various (D001)  Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD 
T-661  21,264 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA 
T-663  41,010 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-680  17,013 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-681  20,339 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE 
T-105  12,608 gal.  various (D002)  Vickery Environmental, Vickery, OH 
D-672  2,540 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  Environmental Recovery Corporation of PA, Lancaster, PA 
White Oil  2,450 gal.  various (Non-Haz.)  Environmental Recovery Corporation of PA, Lancaster, PA 
Misc. Chemical Drums  2,394; 120,485 gal.  various   Various Recipients 
Misc. Chemical Boxes  36; 7,200 gal.  various   Various Recipients 
Lab Pack Drums  34; 1,700 gal.  various   Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
Lab Pack Boxes  2; 400 gal.  various   Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
Methanol Totes  10; 2,750 gal.  various (D001)   Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
T-460  86,737 gal.  various   EI Dupont De Numours & Co., Inc., Chambers Works,  Deepwater, NJ, Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
T-534  8,434 gal.  various (D001,F003)  Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
Misc Chemical Drums  150 drums  various  Various Recipients 
T-204  20,015 gal.  various  Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
T-460  1,175 gal  various; #007662899JJK; #007662900JJK  Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
T-193  16,908 gal.  various; 6 loads  Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
T-802  1,647 gal  #007662905JJK  Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
Misc Chemical Drums  320 drums  various  Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
T-801 RollOff  13,000  various  Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
T-641 Roll-Off  36,000  F003  Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA 
Railroad Siding Soil  1106 Tons  non-haz  Cumberland County Landfill, Shippensburg, PA 
Railroad Ties  2 roll off boxes  non-haz  Modern Landfill, York, PA 
Misc Chemical Drums  134 drums  Various  Various Recipients 
T-956 Roll Offs  4 roll off boxes  Various non-haz  Modern Landfill, York, PA 
WWTP Excavated Soil  484 tons  Various; 22 loads  Cumberland County Kandfill 
WWTP Excavated Soil  88 tones  Various; non-haz  Cumberland County Kandfill 
T-539, T-526, T-525, T-190  156,050 gal  Various; non-haz  DELCORA 
T431A  15,196 gal  Various; non-haz  Vickery Environmental Inc.
T-534, T-530, T-528, T -529, T-530  188,360  Various; non-haz  DELCORA 
Misc Chemical Drums  55 Tons  Various; non-haz, haz  Chemtron Corp, Avon, OH 
Mag drums  22 Tons  Various; non-haz, haz  US Ecology, Grand View, Idaho 
T-526, T-539  226,200 gal  Various; non-haz, haz  DELCORA 
Crushed drums roll off  5 tons  SCT-MT-002. non haz  Modern LF, York, PA 
Jet Rod Sludge  25 yds  00944288  Envirosafe, Oregon, OH 
Misc Chemical Drums  39 tons  Various, haz, non-haz  Envirite of PA, York 
Misc rolloffs  PPE, Non Haz Material  SCT-MT-001, SCT-PPD-002  Envirite of PA, York 
