United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Dominic Ventura


Continuation of work
Elkton Farm Firehole
183 Zeitler Rd., Elkton, MD
Latitude: 39.6292184
Longitude: -75.8681150

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

Work Mission Statement:

Safely and efficiently investigate and remove Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC); Materials Potentially Possessing an Explosive Hazard (MPPEH), Munitions Debris (MD) and explosively contaminated soil(TNT) from the Elkton Farms Firehole Site, as defined in EPA's geophysical study.

Current Activities

During this reporting period the intrusive activities continued within grids: C2,B2,B3,D2. Grids C2,B2 and D2 were completed this reporting period.  B3 is still being magged and dug.

As reported in previous Polrep, samples were retrieved from the pits and excavated hole on June 12, 2006. Purpose of this sampling event was to charachterize the suspected asbestos issue and soil metals concentrations.  Six bulk and two composite soil samples were retrieved and analyzed for asbestos using PLM.  On June 14 results were returned and revealed that there was no concentration of asbestos above 1% in either of the soil samples.  Five of the six bulk samples had elevated concentrations of chrysotile type fiber.  The non asbestos sample was wire mesh.  Three of the samples were non-friable tile. One was a potentially friable small washer sized disc.  The remaining sample was that of a small discreet, friable wrapping material found on the floor of pit #2. This data was forwarded to the USACE for dissemination to IPC for its SSHSP asbestos SOP update.

On June 13, 2006 the USACE conducted a meeting concerning site progress, asbestos, communications and funding issues.  In attendance were reps from EPA, START, MDE, USACE and IPC.  EPA issued site meeting minutes on June 16.  

The EPA FOSC continues to conduct project weekly conference calls, every Tuesday between EPA, MDE and USACE.  EPA's Start contractor maintains the minutes of these discussions.  

One of the primary concerns of the FOSC is the lack of level of effort (LOE) by IPC.  The numbers of IPC personnel have dropped dramatically due to numerous issues.  The FOSC requested the USACE to ensure that proper LOE be maintained.  

Mechanical sifting operations by the TAZ have been put on hold pending completion of an approved Asbestos SOP.  Towards this end, an MDE air program inspector will perform an audit of the site and sample results to assist with the SSHSP Ammendment/SOP development.  This audit will occur on June 29.    

On June 20, the FOSC met with MDE and representatives from Windsor Management Co. LLC, (prospective buyer/developer of property) and ERM, environmental consultant for Windsor.  The group discussed the status of the overall removal, schedule for completion and ways Windsor can assist the EPA.  The FOSC agreed to get back with Windsor pending discussions with MDE and EPA counsel.  

   1ea 40mm tracer
   0.001 Lb (expended grenade fuze)

Through June 22, 2006 the following stats apply (nominal change since the previous reporting period):
Total grids - 66 (200x200)
Grids cleared - 27
Percent complete - 41%
Grids cleared this reporting period: 3
Grids Government Qc'd - 27
Grids failed - 0
Total Number of digs - 60,341
Number of live MPPEH - 2,883
Pounds of MPPEH/MD found - 350
Pounds of non MEC scrap found - 1,554

Refer to this web site for updated adobe map of site completion activities:

Planned Removal Actions

Continue Mag and dig operations within Phase I removal zone.  Phase II mechanical sifting and excavation activities are under scrutiny.

Next Steps

USACE is presently evaluating mechanical methods for soil sifting including the Taz Trommel sifter.  Since the demobe of the Rangemaster site clearance activities, regarding Phase II high dense and pit areas, need to be reevaluated.  The USACE will need to generate alternate methods for handling large volumes of soil.  The new approved method will need to be written and added as ammendment to Work Plan.
