United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Friday, November 17, 2006
Jack Downie


Meetings With PRP
Remacor, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, West Pittsburg, PA
Latitude: 40.9349711
Longitude: -80.3686583

Site #:
Reporting Period:
9/28/06 to 11/03/06
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

The Site is approximately 45 acres in size, consisting of four contiguous parcels of real estate, and contains manufacturing buildings, office buildings, and waste processing and storage areas.  It is located on relatively flat terrain on the eastern shore of the Beaver River.  The Site is bordered to the north by the Pannela Company Building and West Penn Power property, to the east by PA Route 168 and the community of West Pittsburg, to the south by field and surface water impoundments, and to the west by the Beaver River.  The Taylor Township office is located on the east side of the Site and at the entrance to the Site.  The locality is semi-rural.

Current Activities

On September 29, 2006 OSC Jack Downie, OSC Marjorie Easton and OSC Dennis Matlock attended a meeting with Joe Jackman, CEO of Remacor Inc.,  Remacor attorneys and consultant Alaron Nuclear Services, PADEP, and Attorney/Investor Paul Lynch. Mr. Lynch invests in industrial properties.  He appeared willing to offer financial support to cleanup the radiation problem at the Remacor facility. In addition he expressed interest in funding the restart of the magnesium recycling production at the Remacor facility. Plans are to put Remacor’s bricketting operation back on line. This will keep Remacor viable according to Mr. Jackman. Pressing the magnesium shavings into a solid brickette form will reduce the level of hazard at the facility. However, Mr. Lynch stated that the funding would be contingent upon the cost of the cleanup. EPA and PADEP were in agreement that a written plan based on quantitative radiation sampling (EOC) performed by Alaron would be required. EPA expressed this to Mr. Jackman and Mr. Lynch at the meeting.

On October 17, 2006 a meeting was held at the Pittsburg Town Hall. Attending this meeting was OSC Jack Downie, OSC Dennis Matlock, PADEP, Joe Jackman, Paul Lynch, along with Township Suprevisors, the Fire Chief, and County Commisioners. The purpose of this meeting was to view the written cleanup plan discussed at the September 29, 2006 meeting.  Alaron did not have a written plan to submit. One has still not been submitted to EPA at this time.

On November 02, 2006 OSC Downie task ERRS to mobilize to the Remacor facility for the purpose of re-covering the burn waste pile containing the above background level radiation readings. A portion of the tarps previously placed on the pile by ERRS had blown off due to high winds experienced in the area late October. In addition to re-covering the pile, ERRS re-enforced a section of the security fence that encompasses the parameter of the facility. ERRS finished the task the morning of November 3, 2006 and de-mobilized the same day. OSC Downie was present for oversight. START was present to assist with written and photo documentation.

On November 3, 2006 OSC Downie met with PADEP Representative  Daniel Holler at the Remacor facility to discuss  issues concerning the upcoming Radiation Survey.

Additional actions have been conducted by EPA including the following;

1. 104 (e) letters have been drafted and are currently being reviewed. These letters will be sent to Potential Responsible Parties (PRP) including Remacor Inc.

2. EPA is in the process of costing out various treatment and/or recycling options for the material being stored at the Remacor facility.

3. EPA Continues to maintain twenty-four hour security at the Remacor facility.

Next Steps

Control and stabilize pyrophoric and water reactive metals that are exposed to the weather where necessary. This may require repackaging or relocation to indoor storage areas.  Make temporary repairs to structures to keep out rain water when necessary.

Conduct an extent of contamination study.

Arrange for a command post/office set up with phones, fax and other communication equipment.

Maintain close coordination with state officials and municipal authorities including local fire officials.

A more definitive radiation survey is scheduled at the Remacor Inc. facility November 28, 2006. The survey will begin approximately 12:00 and finish at approximately 12:00 the following day. EPA/ERT Greg Powell will be present with his contractor and radiation equipment mounted on and All Terrain Mule.  PADEP will assist with characterization using their radiation equipment. START will be on site to assist OSC with written and photo documentation.

104 (e) letters will be sent to Potential Responsible Parties including Remacor Inc.

Key Issues

Actual or potential exposure to nearby human populations, animals or the food chain from hazardous substances of pollutants or contaminants:

The Taylor Township Municipal Buildings are located at the entrance to the Site.  The community of West Pittsburg is located directly east in the immediate downwind footprint of the Site.   A significant quanity of ignitable, pyrophoric magnesium is unsecured on Site and low level radioactive materials are present.  The high risk of fire, combined with the presence of low level radioactive materials, presents a serious fire-fighting risk and inhalation hazard to first responders and the nearby population of West Pittsburg.

Actual or potential contamination of drinking water supplies or sensitive ecosystems:
The Site is located on the left descending shoreline of the Beaver River.  An inspection performed by PADEP and EPA revealed that the surface water runoff from the Site contains visible contamination and enters storm drains.  A major fire would result in the use of large volumes of water to protect adjacent structures from an intense pyrophoric metal fire that would increase runoff and potential contamination of the Beaver River from process wastes and low level radioactive materials.  

Hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants in drums, barrels, tanks, or other bulk storage containers, that may pose a threat of release:

Much of the magnesium hazardous material on Site, an estimated  3,000,000 pounds, is stored in drums and in supersacks.  The hazardous materials are stored in buildings that have leaky roofs or are without doors, or stored outdoors.  Inspection by EPA and State officials noted the potential ease for which water could or has reached the hazardous material stock.

Weather conditions may cause hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants to migrate or release:

Ignitable magnesium turnings, shavings and fines are stored in areas exposed to the weather.  Chemical reactions have caused a major fire and release of smoke and potentially dangerous particulate matter.  Low level radioactive materials were detected in a waste pile on the property, exposed to the elements.  Surface water was observed to be transporting Site contaminants.  The materials and wastes on Site will, upon entrainment or dissolving into surface water, harmfully affect water quality.

Threat of fire or explosion:

In August 2005, a chemical reaction caused a fire that consumed an onsite building 450 feet in length.  There are reports of drums containing magnesium fines that have erupted more than once.  The potential for explosion exists because during a fire, explosive hydrogen gas can be generated.  Pyrophoric metal fires can be very difficult and dangerous to extinguish.

The availability of other appropriate Federal or State response  mechanisms to respond to the release:

The PADEP requested EPA assistance to stabilize and secure the Site.  The State does not have the resources available at this time to conduct an emergency stabilization of the Site.
