United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Thursday, December 7, 2006
Jack Downie


ERT Scoping Survey
Remacor, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, West Pittsburg, PA
Latitude: 40.9349711
Longitude: -80.3686583

Site #:
Reporting Period:
11/4/06 - 11/28/06
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

The Site is approximately 45 acres in size, consisting of four contiguous parcels of real estate, and contains manufacturing buildings, office buildings, and waste processing and storage areas.  It is located on relatively flat terrain on the eastern shore of the Beaver River.  The Site is bordered to the north by the Pannela Company Building and West Penn Power property, to the east by PA Route 168 and the community of West Pittsburg, to the south by field and surface water impoundments, and to the west by the Beaver River.  The Taylor Township office is located on the east side of the Site and at the entrance to the Site.  The locality is semi-rural.

Current Activities

On November 28, 2006 OSC  Jack Downie, OSC Marjorie Easton, EPA ERT Gary Newhart, ERT Contractor Doug Draper, and START met PADEP Dan Holler, Bob Maier, and Tonda Lewis at the Remacor Inc. Site.  PADEP’s Holler and OSC discussed pending issues at the site.  The team also discussed the goals of the radiological aspect to the site.

PADEP representatives from Pa’s Bureau of Radiation Protection Program conducted a survey with portable radiation equipment in Building 9 and the south end of the site.  The equipment included: microR meters, SAM-935, and Ortec Model DetectiveEX high purity germanium
radioisotope identifier.  They were able to pick out several drums and pieces of unearthed slag with elevated readings.  Readings ranged from 100 microR/hr for the pile of burnt debris to 350 microR/hr for the chunks of unearthed slag.  PADEP requested assistance with further site characterization.

ERT collected background information on the various parts of the plant and operational areas.  After a facility tour, ERT contractor performed a scoping survey to determine if a site characterization is necessary and if so, to what extent.  During the survey, the team conducted a walk-through of the deox sulfur building which contains “super-sacks” of magnesium alloy turnings.  The tarped debris pile from the  building fire, and the drummed material were in good shape.  The western and southern areas of the site were walked and found to consist of significant amounts of fill material.  On the southern end of the property a 2-3 foot thick layer of slag and soil was built above grade extending from building 9 south 200-300 feet.  At the toe of this layer is where the slag rocks were found.  ERT collected photos and geographic data from the site.  The initial plan to be developed will consist of recommendations and proposals for carrying out the site characterization.
On 11/28/06 a conference call was held with Civil Investigator Carlyn Prisk, Regional Council Thomas Cinti and OSC Downie. Conversations have been held with generators of the magnesium turnings. Several generators have expressed the desire to remove the materials they sent to the Remacor Inc. Site. EPA continues to receive answers to the 104 (e) letters.

Planned Removal Actions

Maintain 24 hour security.

Next Steps

EPA ERT will submit the site characterization proposal, for review by the OSC.
The OSC anticipates submission of a Request for Removal Action Ceiling Increase and Exemption from the $2 Million/12-Month Statutory Limit document.
