United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Monday, February 26, 2007
Jack Downie


PRP Activity Oversight
Remacor, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, West Pittsburg, PA
Latitude: 40.9349711
Longitude: -80.3686583

Site #:
Reporting Period:
2/14/07 – 2/22/07
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

EPA continues to provide 24-hour security and coordinate the activities of PRP generators who supplied Remacor, Inc. with secondary magnesium scrap including turnings, shavings, chips and other finely divided cuttings.  In all, 29 generators have been identified and issued 104e letters.  Several of the companies are in the process of voluntarily removing their materials from the Site under the oversight of EPA and PADEP who control access to the Site.  The 45-acre property contains thousands of drums, sacks, boxes and other containers of this flammable solid, many of which are in poor storage conditions.  Some generators are subcontracting former Remacor, Inc. employees to assist them with identifying, moving, re-packaging, and loading their materials for transportation to other facilities for proper storage, recycling, or disposal.

Other recent site activities have centered around the discovery, assessment, and overpacking of an old drum containing water reactive sodium metal.  In addition, EPA is assessing and preparing for cleanup of an on-site laboratory that contains acids, bases, solvents and other hazardous compounds.

Current Activities

Personnel On Scene:
2/14/07 EPA-1, ERRS-1, Spartan-2, Other-3, Security-1 (24hr)
2/15/07 EPA-1, START-1, Spartan-3, Security-1 (24hr)
2/16/07 EPA-2, PADEP-3, START-1, Spartan-3, Other-7, Security-1 (24hr)
2/19/07 START-1, Spartan/Marshalltown-4, Other-1, Security-1 (24hr)
2/20/07 EPA-2, PADEP-1, START-2, Niapro-4, Intermet-1, Security-1 (24hr)
2/21/07 EPA-2, PADEP-2, START-2, Allegheny Co. Forensics-3, Lawrence Co.-2, Remacor-1, Marshalltown-5, Meridian-2, Other-1, Security-1 (24hr)
2/22/07 EPA-3, PADEP-1, START-2, ERRS-3, Marshalltown-5, Meridian-2, WRS-1, Security-1 (24hr)

2/14/07 Lt. snow, precip 0.01”, wind WNW to 16 mph, 7-23 oF
2/15/07 CLR to MC, wind WNW to 16 mph, 0-14 oF
2/16/07 Lt. snow then CLR, wind WSW to 17 mph, 7-18 oF
2/19/07 CLR to PC, precip 0.01”, winds S/SW to 10 mph, 0-39 oF
2/20/07 CLR to OVC, Lt. rain, precip 0.10”, winds SW/NW to 10 mph, 33-47 oF
2/21/07 OVC then CLR, winds W to 7 mph, 32-43 oF
2/22/07 OVC, Lt. Snow, precip 0.01”, winds SW/NW to 23 mph, 27-37 oF

On Wednesday, 2/14/07, electrical contractors were on site as part of site set-up.  ERRS RM (GES) was on site.  Spartan employees continued to package magnesium scrap into boxes in preparation for shipment.

On Thursday, 2/15/2007 Spartan employees loaded two trucks with boxes of scrap magnesium solids.  An estimated 80,000 lbs of material was transported off site in 80 lined boxes that contained approximately 1,000 lbs each.  The receiving facility is World Metal Buyers, Indianapolis, IN 46219.  

On Friday, 2/16/07, PADEP (Holler and Wozniak) conducted a pre-bid meeting with three potential contractors for overpacking the 55 gallon blue drum of sodium.  The location and condition of the drum was reviewed and the three contractors were off site by 1230 hours.  

On Friday, 2/16/07, a meeting was held between EPA (Downie, Easton), PADEP (Holler and Wozniak), and Scott Kobryn, President of Niagra Process Technology Magnesium Metal Recycling LLC (NIAPRO).  The meeting in part was to cover the safe removal of magnesium using industry standards, DOT guidelines and prescribed safety methods. A brief description of the REMACOR site was given as well as the disposition of the site at present time. EPA and PADEP want generators and responsible parties to remove their products in the safest possible manner.

Several PRPs have been coordinating efforts with former Remacor employees to take back the magnesium materials that they previously supplied to Remacor.  The OSC is requesting documentation from generators that the former employees are employed by the generator(s).  Spartan employees continued to package magnesium scrap into boxes in preparation for shipment.  By 1730 hours, all personnel demobilized for the weekend.

On 2/19/07, personnel remobilized to the site.  Former Remacor employees working for Spartan and Marshalltown (Mg generators) arrived on site and spent the day packing boxes with scrap magnesium solids.  START provided oversight and documentation of activities.

On 2/20/07, Marshalltown arrived and spent the day removing boxes of magnesium shavings on pallets from the deoxsulf building (bldg. #2) to a staging area located near the loading dock of building #7.

On 2/20/07, a meeting was held at 0930 hours between EPA (Downie, Easton), PADEP (Holler), four representatives of NIAPRO, and a representative of  Intermet. OSC gave oversight of what has transpired on site and the generators that are moving forward with the removal of magnesium stored on site.  The Intermet representative was given a tour of site by a former Remacor employee to identify stored magnesium belonging to Intermet and to examine the condition of the containers.  At 1150 hours the meeting reconvened. The Intermet representative was informed by the OSC as to the disposition of material in mention.  Mr. Jackman per stay order relinquished all rights to magnesium on site so that generators may remove their product.  OSC reminded all parties that safe packaging and handling of  all magnesium should be the goal of generators who remove the material from the site.  

A call was  by received by START at 1900 hours from site security that all electrical power was off and Penn Power was on site looking for a blown transformer.  START informed security as to the whereabouts of the transformer that was heard making loud humming sounds earlier in the day by PADEP. The problem was found and rectified at 0100 hours on 2/21/2007.

On 2/21/07, at the request of PADEP, representatives from Allegheny County Forensics arrived on site.  The team brought equipment to x-ray the sodium drum.  The x-ray showed that the 55-gal drum contained an inner smaller drum (approx. 35 gal) and packing material was believed to be between the drums.

On 2/21/07, the OSC spoke with a Sky Bank representative (Walker) regarding property at site that will be auctioned.  The OSC requested a list of property and indicated that a public auction could not be held on the site while dangerous materials are on site and removal actions are ongoing.  The OSC also requested that the bank coordinate with Lawrence Co. Solicitor and Taylor Township and acquire a bonded mover.

On 2/21/07, Marshalltown employees continued to move boxes of magnesium scrap from the deoxsulf building to building 7 in preparation for shipment.

On 2/22/07, ERRS (Guardian) arrived on site and observed the sodium drum with the OSC.  ERRS mended a fence on the property then overpacked the sodium drum without incident.  The drum was moved to an isolated location on site.  

On 2/22/07, a representative from Marshalltown (O’Connell) arrived on site and inspected the boxes of scrap magnesium solids.  Some of the boxes had been compromised and employees  repackaged these into new 11 G boxes.  Two trucks containing approximately 13,000 lbs each (26,000 lbs total) of magnesium scrap turnings (flammable solid) were transported off site.  The receiving facility is Timminco, Aurora, CO  80010.  

On 2/22/07, representatives of Meridian Technologies, Inc., arrived on site and met with the OSCs (Downie, Easton), PADEP (Holler), and START.  The representatives were there to identify their product and review procedures and protocols for off-loading the product.  The OSC briefed the reps regarding safety expectations, having a work plan, weighing of loads, and submitting a safety plan before work begins.  A site walkthrough was conducted with focus on container condition and quantity in the deoxsulf building and building #7 where the majority of Meridian’s material is stored.  An estimated 424 drums and a large number of supersacks containing magnesium chips were observed.

Throughout this reporting period, START provided written and photographic documentation of activities conducted by the various parties on site.

Planned Removal Actions

The OSC anticipates continued coordination and scheduling of generators to retrieve their materials from the site.  

Marshalltown anticipates loading two additional trucks with scrap magnesium turnings on 2/23/07.

Heritage will be on site during the week of 2/26/07 to overpack and transport Black and Decker drums to WTI for disposal.

OSC requested that START conduct an inventory of the materials on site.  The inventory will begin during the week of 2/26/07.

Next Steps

The OSC anticipates Meridian to provide a HASP and plan of action for their materials.  Activities could start as early as next week with shipments of drums from the site.  In addition, Meridian will repackage the materials in supersacks into drums.  

The OSC anticipates that the chemicals found in the laboratory will be inventoried and lab packed in the near future using ERRS.

Key Issues

