United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Jack Downie


PRP Activity Oversight
Remacor, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, West Pittsburg, PA
Latitude: 40.9349711
Longitude: -80.3686583

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

EPA continues to provide 24-hour security and coordinate the activities of PRP generators who supplied Remacor, Inc. with secondary magnesium scrap including turnings, shavings, chips and other finely divided cuttings.  In all, 29 generators have been identified and issued 104e letters.  Several of the companies are in the process of voluntarily removing their materials from the Site under the oversight of EPA and PADEP who control access to the Site.  The 45-acre property contains thousands of drums, sacks, boxes and other containers of this flammable solid, many of which are in poor storage conditions.  Some generators are subcontracting former Remacor, Inc. employees to assist them with identifying, moving, re-packaging, and loading their materials for transportation to other facilities for proper storage, recycling, or disposal.

Other recent site activities have centered around the discovery, assessment, and overpacking of an old drum containing water reactive sodium metal.  In addition, EPA is assessing and preparing for cleanup of an on-site laboratory that contains acids, bases, solvents and other hazardous compounds.  An inventory is currently being conducted on site.

Current Activities

Personnel On-Scene:
2/27/07 EPA-1, PADEP-4, START-3, Meridian-9, Black & Decker-4, Other-1, Dept. of Labor-1, Security-1 (24hr)

2/27/07 Lt. snow, precip 0.01”, wind N 7 mph, High-34, Low 23 oF

On Monday, 2/26/2007, no on-site work was conducted.

On Tuesday, 2/27/2007, Meridian personnel and subcontractors arrived on site along with subcontractors for Black & Decker. Meridian personnel spent the day identifying their product while the subcontractors prepared to assess for repackaging their product.  

Black & Decker subcontractors placed drums in overpacks and removed 30 drums in one truck load from site and dropped off the load at Von Roll America, Inc. 1250 Saint George Street East Liverpool, Ohio 43920 for incineration.  Contractors completed loading of their remaining drums on site and are awaiting receipt approval from the disposal facility.

PADEP (Holler, Wozniak, Weber, and Hoffman) arrived on site.  PADEP (Weber and Hoffman) will be taking the lead for the State at Remacor. They were familiarized with the site and given a site tour.

Two START members conducted inventory of quantities, containers, and locations in the DeOxSulf building (Building No 2).

Planned Removal Actions

Meridian anticipate preparing a designated area for repackaging product from super sacks to 55 gallon drums.

Black & Decker subcontractors anticipate taking the remaining load off site.

START will continue to conduct an inventory of the materials on site

Next Steps

The OSC anticipates Meridian will provide a HASP and plan of action for their materials.  

The OSC anticipates that the chemicals found in the laboratory will be inventoried and lab packed in the near future using ERRS.
