United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region V

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Sonia R. Vega

Richard Karl, USEPA
Jason El Zein, U.S. EPA
Linda Nachowicz, EPA
Charles Gebien, USEPA
Sonia Vega, USEPA
Thomas Krueger, Office of Regional Counsel-EPA
Carol Ropski, EPA
John Maritote, U.S. EPA
David Chung, OSWER
Cheryl Allen, U.S. EPA
Tim Prendiville, US EPA
Mark Johnson, ATSDR
Tom Frame, City of Minneapolis
Bob Anderson, Dept. of Agriculture
Daniel Pena, Minnesota Department of Health
Karen Clark, MN House of Representatives
Gary Schiff, City of Minneapolis


South Minneapolis Arsenic Clean Up Resumes
South Minneapolis Neighborhood Soil Contamination Site (FORMER CMC Heartland)
South Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
Latitude: 44.9539000
Longitude: -93.2461000

Site #:
Reporting Period:
November 2006 to June 23, 2007
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

The CMC Heartland Lite yardsite is located in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, at the northwest intersection of Hiawatha Avenue and 28th Street and is approximately 5 acres in size.  The yardsite was remediated by the potentially responsible parties (PRPs) with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture providing oversight.  The Smiley Clinic now operates at the site.  The South Minneapolis Neighborhood Soil Contamination Site, formerly known as CMC Heartland, is the off-site residential cleanup being conducted by U.S. EPA Region 5 and located in the Phillips neighborhood and surrounding areas west of Hiawatha Avenue.  This portion of the Phillips neighborhood is primarily residential development, with limited sections along Bloomington Avenue, Longfellow Avenue, and
24th Street East containing commercial development.  
Reade Manufacturing Company, an arsenical pesticide manufacturer, had leased and operated on the industrial site for nearly twenty-five years, from early 1938 to 1963.  US Borax subleased the parcel from 1963 to 1968,
operated and stored product at the Site during that time.  From 1880 to 1985, the property was owned by Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul Railroad (aka Milwaukee Road).  Milwaukee Road declared bankruptcy in 1985, later the same year Milwaukee Road emerged from bankruptcy and changed its name to CMC Real Estate
Corporation.  In 1990 CMC Real Estate Corporation dissolved itself into its parent, the Chicago Milwaukee Corporation.  On November 8, 1993, Chicago Milwaukee Corp. conveyed the Lite Yard Site to CMC Heartland Partners.  Contamination was discovered in 1994 during reconstruction of the Hiawatha Avenue corridor.

The current land owner of the CMC Heartland Lite Yard Site, CMC Heartland Partners, has performed
investigations of the on-site soils.  Surface samples on site ranged from background levels
(< 10 ppm) to 80,000 ppm.  The Agency for Toxic Substance Disease Registry (ATSDR), in conjunction with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), published two Health Consultations dated April 8, 1999 and May 17, 2001.
These Health Consultations expressed concern about the possibility of highly contaminated dust being windblown off the CMC Heartland Lite Yard Site thus impacting the Phillips Neighborhood residential yards located just to the northwest of the CMC Heartland Lite Yard Site.  The MDA and MDH collected soil samples
from the neighborhood in 2003.  The results of this sampling event indicated elevated arsenic levels in soil present within the Phillips Neighborhood ranging from background to 605 ppm.  The arsenic concentration in which the ATSDR and MDH considers to be an acute exposure is 100 ppm.  Since the discovery of arsenic contamination within the Phillips Neighborhood, MDA has requested assistance from  US EPA Region 5 in addressing the off-site, residential arsenic contamination.  The off-site residential properties were being referred to as the CMC Heartland Site, located within and/or bordering the Phillips Neighborhood.  Currently, the Site is call South Minneapolis Neighborhood Soil Contamination Site.  

US EPA Region 5 collected additional soil samples, for laboratory analysis, in the Phillips Neighborhood in areas that were previously identified as areas of concern due to MDA’s sample results.  This was done to
confirm MDA’s data as well as to further define the arsenic contamination. These soil samples identified almost 200 residential properties with arsenic concentrations above ATSDR’s recommended acute action level of 100 ppm.  

As of Spring 2007, the U.S.EPA has remediated 95 of the 197 residential properties identified for clean up.  The action includes the removal of arsenic contaminated soils, proper disposal of contaminated material, and the restoration of residential properties.  Proposed actions for this year are to continue excavation work, and public outreach. There are 102 residential properties awaiting removal action.

Current Activities

During the winter months, EPA hosted public availability sessions on January 30, March 27, and April 24, 2007.  During these sessions, EPA discussed the upcoming removal actions, and the ongoing remedial investigation.  Also during these winter months, EPA and its contractors visited with many community members and obtained 43 access agreements for removal work.

On June 4, 2007, the U.S. EPA mobilized back to Site.  During the week of June 4 to 9, EPA's removal contractors performed restoration work at properties remediated late last Fall, where there was erosion, or need for re-seeding.  There was another public availability session on
June 7, 2007.

There are an additional 103 residential properties with arsenic levels over the removal action level of 95 ppm.  Excavation work at these properties began on June 12, and will continue throught the summer and early fall of 2007.  During this reporting period 3 residential properties were excavated and fully restored.  Also, we performed touch work at 2 properties previously remediated.  

EPA plans to work 6 days a week to expedite the removal action.  Schedule is subject to change and contingent to weather conditions.

Planned Removal Actions

Continue excavation and restoration work at properties with arsenic levels over EPA's removal action level of 95 mg/kg.  Also, continue community outreach.

Next Steps

Obtain the 40 pending access agreements.

Key Issues

Lack of response from home owners regarding the need for clean up at their properties.

Disposition of Wastes

Arsenic Contamintad Soils

Waste Stream Quantity Manifest # Disposal Facility
Arsenic Contaminated Soils  346.6 tons  Manifest #001 to 0021  Elk River Landfill, MN 
