United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Friday, July 13, 2007
Jack Downie


Monitoring Well Installation
Remacor, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, West Pittsburg, PA
Latitude: 40.9349711
Longitude: -80.3686583

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

EPA is continuing emergency removal actions at this site during the repackaging, transportation, and removal of flammable magnesium materials.  Magnesium generators, who previously supplied Remacor with recyclable magnesium and magnesium alloys, are removing their materials from the site.  Magretech is looking at orphaned drums to see if they can use them in their operation.  ERRS contractor Guardian is on site finishing lab packing operations.  START is monitoring drilling operations being done by Pennsylvania Drilling Company.   SPX Contech, from Portage, MI, has been in contact with the EPA in preparation for the removal of its magnesium material.  MJ Metals of Bridgeport, CT, is coordinating with the EPA for removal of its magnesium materials.  To date 12 generators have removed, or are in various stages of planning in order to remove, their drums off site.   EPA and PADEP officials continue to control access to the site in addition to coordinating the activities of the various generators.

Current Activities

Personnel On-Scene:
7/11/07 EPA-1, PADEP-2, START-3, ERRS-7, PA Drilling - 2, Security-1 (24 hr)
7/12/07 EPA-1, PADEP-3, START-3, ERRS-5, PA Drilling-3, Taylor Twp-1, PSP-1, Other-1, Security-1 (24 hr)

7/13/07 PADEP-1, START-3, PA Drilling-2, PSP-1, Other-1, Security-1 (24 hr)

7/11/07 Low of 66° F, high of 79° F.  Overcast, 0.00 inches of precipitation, Wind SW 4.6-15 mph.
7/12/07 Low of 55° F, high of 82° F.  Partly Cloudy, 0.00 inches of precipitation,  Wind WSW 10 mph.

7/13/07 Low of 57° F, high of 78° F.  Partly Cloudy, 0.00 inches of precipitation,  Wind W 10 mph.

OSC Downie mobilized to site for oversight and access control.  OSC Downie noticed that there were changes in Building 9.   Upon further investigation it was discovered that someone had been on site illegally.  A visual investigation proved that certain items had been tampered with and there were missing items.  OSC Downie demobilized.

PADEP Moretinni and Shimko mobilized to site to assist in oversight and Monitoring of wells being drilled.  PADEP Moretinni and Shimko demobilized.

START subcontractor, PA Drilling Company, continued to construct monitoring wells at the site.  During drilling, samples were collected at 5-ft. depth intervals with a 24-in. split spoon.  Samples were photographed, logged, and screened for VOCs and RAD by START.  The 4 wells are being constructed with 2-in. diameter PVC casing, 10-slot screen, No. 3 silica sand filter pack, bentonite seal, and bentonite/cement grout, and are finished with a casing stickup, outer protective steel casing, concrete pad, and protective posts.

ERRS contractor Guardian completed packing, segregating, and staging boxes and drums of lab packing materials to be shipped off site at a later date.  ERRS also continued to clean and organize material in Building 9.

START assisted as needed, conducted written and photographic documentation, and monitored activities conducted on site.    

OSC Downie mobilized to site for oversight and access control.  OSC Downie contacted Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) about the items missing from Building 9 and the unauthorized entry.  Officer Gary Johns of the PSP arrived on site along with Taylor Township’s Dave Allegro and were taken on a tour of the breached areas and apprised of items believed to be missing.  Officer Johns took investigated the area and took a police report.  OSC Downie demobilized.

PADEP Morettini, Shimko, and Hoffman mobilized to site to assist in site overview and coordination of site activities.  PADEP Morettini, Shimko, and Hoffman assisted with drilling operations and activities occurring on site.  PADEP Morettini, and Hoffman demobilized.

Drillers abandoned BH3 with bentonite after augering to 80 feet.  The hole which is centrally located on the site and west of Building 7 was abandoned due to encountering 50 feet of low yield formation fines (glacial till).  MW3 was moved approximately 40 feet west of BH3 and the drillers advanced auger to 30 feet where gasoline smell was encountered in cuttings and caused elevated readings on the VOC detectors.  It was later determined that Remacor had removed an underground storage tank from the vicinity approximately 7-8 years ago.

START assisted as needed, conducted written and photographic documentation, and monitored activities conducted on site.  START also monitored drilling operations being done on site.

PADEP Wozniak arrived on site to turn off air samplers.  PADEP Wozniak arrived on site moments before Officer Johns arrived to do a follow up on the unlawful entry on site.  PADEP Wozniak, START, and Officer Johns walked to Building 9 were it was discovered that indeed a second unlawful entry was committed.  While investigating the scene it was discovered that materials that had been there the day before were missing.  Officer Johns discovered some of the items E of the site fence near the roadway.  PADEP Wozniak and START returned the items to their rightful place.  PADEP Wozniak demobilized.

Drillers began construction of MW4 located downgradient at the southwest portion of the site.  They advanced auger to 52 feet and set a 5 foot screen at an estimated 46-51 feet depth and completed the well to the surface. VOC detectors.  It was later determined that Remacor had removed an underground storage tank from the vicinity approximately 7-8 years ago.

START assisted as needed, conducted written and photographic documentation, and monitored activities conducted on site.  START also monitored drilling operations being done on site.  START demobilized for the weekend.

Next Steps

American Iron & Metal has MHF Logistic Solutions arranging trucks to have their material shipped to Montreal, Canada.  

MJ Metals (generator) will submit a workplan/health and safety plan to EPA for the handling and removal of their drums from the site.

SPX Contech (generator) plans to have representatives from Contech and Nixon Peabody on site 7/18-7/19/07 to inventory its material for preparation to ship off site.

ERRS contractor Guardian plans to mobilize to site on 7/23/07 to ship the remainder of the lab packing material.

PA Drilling plans on developing the remaining 3 wells on 7/16 – 7/17/07.

EPA will continue to coordinate with magnesium waste generators for the safe and appropriate removal of the material from the site.  EPA will continue to coordinate with all local, state, and federal agencies.

Key Issues

