United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Jack Downie


Removal Action
Remacor, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, West Pittsburg, PA
Latitude: 40.9349711
Longitude: -80.3686583

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

EPA is continuing emergency removal actions at this site during the repackaging, transportation, and removal of flammable magnesium materials.  Magnesium generators, who previously supplied Remacor with recyclable magnesium and magnesium alloys, are removing their materials from the site.  Monitoring Wells have been installed to aide in accessing extent of contamination on site.  Winters Performance Products, Inc. is currently making preparations to ship its product off site.  MJ Metals of Bridgeport, CT, is coordinating with the EPA to be on site for drum identification and count.  To date 16 generators have removed, or are in various stages of planning in order to remove, their material off site.  START is currently identifying materials and materials of concern with the help of a consultant, an ex employee of Remacor, who is assisting under the direction of START.  EPA’s ERRS contractor Guardian continues to work on RAD and burn piles.  EPA and PADEP officials continue to control access to site in addition to coordinating the activities of the various generators.

Current Activities

Personnel On-Scene:
10/16/07 EPA-1, PADEP-1, START-2, ERRS-8, MHF-2, Other-4,  Security-1 (24 hr)
10/17/07 PADEP-1, START-2, ERRS-8, Other-2, Security-1 (24 hr)

10/16/07 Low of 46° F, high of 71° F.  Clear to Scattered Clouds, 0.00 inches of precipitation, Wind Variable 3-5 mph.
10/17/07 Low of 58° F, high of 72° F.  Mostly Cloudy, 0.00 inches of precipitation,  Wind WSW 4-7 mph.

START attended the morning safety meeting held by EPA’s ERRS contractor Guardian Environmental Services.  ERRS continued filling drums with material from the RAD pile.  ERRS used a sifter to separate fine material from bricks that were present.  To date ERRS has packaged 282 drums of material.  ERRS has cleaned and reorganize the brick building previously used as an Operation Control room by Remacor.  The building will be used as a break room for ERRS during inclement weather.

PADEP Hoffman mobilized to site and changed out filters on High Vols and assisted in oversight at Remacor site.  PADEP Hoffman demobilized

START received 3 Data Ram 4’s to set up for monitoring off site migration of particulate matter.  START placed 2 of the Data Rams near the sifting and packaging operation for the RAD pile.  One Data Ram was placed north of the operation and the other placed to the east, one Data Ram is inoperable and will be returned to be fixed.  START also placed a Personal Data Ram in the tented break area for ERRS to monitor particulate matter in that area.  All readings are well below the OSHA applicable standard for respirable dust found in 29 CFR 1926 .55 of 3.5 mg/m3  TWA.
START assisted as needed, conducted written and photographic documentation, and monitored activities conducted on site.  START demobilized for the weekend.

START attended the morning safety meeting held by EPA’s ERRS contractor Guardian Environmental Services.  ERRS continued filling drums with material from the RAD pile.  ERRS used a sifter to separate fine material from bricks that were present.  To date ERRS has packaged 354 drums of material.  ERRS had Harding Tire on site to repair a flat on the Gator ERRS also had pump and gauge delivered for the fuel tank.

PADEP Morettini mobilized to site to assist in oversight.  PADEP Morettini demobilized.

START continued to identify and tag materials and materials of concern.  When the task is completed the information gathered will be added to a map of the site for reference and inventory control.
START also assisted as needed, conducted written and photographic documentation, and monitored activities conducted on site.

Next Steps

American Iron & Metal (AIM) will not be shipping material to Von Roll America for 2 weeks starting on 10/14/07.  Von Roll America will be down for outage replacing bricks in their furnace, it is a planned outage.  AIM expects to resume shipping material to Magpro, Camden, TN

Intermet is making plans to resume shipping their product off site.

Winter Performance Products, Inc plans to start removing their material the first week of November 2007.

MJ Metals (generator) is making arrangements to start removing their product in November, 2007.  

EPA will continue to coordinate with magnesium waste generators for the safe and appropriate removal of the material from the site.  EPA will continue to coordinate with all local, state, and federal agencies.

Key Issues

Drums that have magnesium fines are not vented and pose a threat of combustion. One drum from the batch has already caught fire and the remainder of the drums will be vented by ERRS.
