United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Jack Downie


Removal Action
Remacor, Inc.
P.O. Box 366, West Pittsburg, PA
Latitude: 40.9349711
Longitude: -80.3686583

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

EPA is continuing emergency removal actions at this site during the repackaging, transportation, and removal of flammable magnesium materials. Magnesium generators, who previously supplied Remacor with recyclable magnesium and magnesium alloys, are removing their materials from the site. Intermet will be on site to begin shipping material the 3rd week of April.  SPX Contech will be repackaging the remainder of its material in preparation to ship it off site when weather will allow.  Hitchcock Industries contacted the EPA and plans to start repacking and shipping its product the 3rd week of April.  

EPA’s ERRS contractor Guardian Environmental Services, Inc. (GES) has completed reacting drums and sacks of lime mag from Building #2 and from Building #8. ERRS also completed reacting drum groups 14 and 23 staged outside and marked as residual waste.  ERRS is now reacting drums staged in Building #9 marked as residual waste and plans to be finished reacting material in the pit by 4/10/08.  PADEP is providing technical and oversight support at the site.  EPA START contractor TechLaw is providing technical and administrative support to the EPA. EPA and PADEP officials continue to control access to the site in addition to coordinating the activities of the various generators.  

Current Activities

Personnel On-Scene:
04/08/08 PADEP-1, START-1, Pratt & Whitney-1,  ERRS-7, Security-1 (24 hr)
04/09/08 PADEP-1, START-1, MHF-1, ERRS-7, Security-1 (24 hr)

04/08/08 Low of 42° F, high of 73° F.  Clear, 0.00inches of precipitation, wind Variable 3-11 mph.
04/09/08 Low of 50° F, high of 70° F.  Mostly Cloudy, 0.01 inches of precipitation,  Variable 3-11 mph.

Robert Marryott of Pratt & Whitney Canada was on site to take a tour and take pictures of the areas their material had previously been in.  Pratt & Whitney has finished shipping their material off site and was doing a follow-up visit to make sure no material or debris had been left behind.

PADEP Mariruth Hoffman mobilized to site to assist the EPA in oversight. PADEP Hoffman demobilized.

Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) contractor Guardian Environmental, Inc. held its morning safety meeting and discussed the days planned activities, areas of concern/safety issues associated with the day’s activities.  ERRS continued reacting material from Building #9 marked as residual waste. ERRS reacted 40 drums to bring their total to 1703 drums reacted in the pit.

At approximately 2123 hrs ERRS RM was contacted by site 24 hour security that an explosion and subsequent fire had occurred near the reaction pit area. The OSC and START were contacted and START and ERRS responded to the fire. Upon arrival ERRS was briefed by the Fire Chief who heard the explosion and responded with the local fire department. A drum which was in close proximity to the ERRS break room had exploded and caught on fire.  ERRS immediately moved the drum to the reaction pit where the fire could be contained.  START used PADEP’s Thermal Imager to check drums for heat in the surrounding area.  There were roughly 14-16 suspect drums which ERRS dumped into the reaction pit. ERRS continued to work the fire drums in the pit until the fire was out and the material was under control. At approximately 2400 hours START and ERRS exited the site. The security guard monitored the pit the remainder of the night from the command post area with the remote video security equipment. Once the material has completed reacting and considered inert it will be drummed for future disposal.  

START assisted as needed and conducted written/photographic documentation.  

Tim Doutt of MHF who will be the response manager for several generators was on site to assess the work to be done starting the week of 4/14/08.

PADEP Mariruth Hoffman mobilized to site to assist the EPA in oversight. PADEP Hoffman demobilized.

Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) contractor Guardian Environmental, Inc held its morning safety meeting and discussed the days planned activities, areas of concern and safety issues associated with the day’s activities.   ERRS cleaned the areas in Building #9 where the residual waste drums were taken from.  ERRS also added water and stirred the material in the reaction pit which had caught fire on 4/8/08.  The material is still off gassing and steaming and will be left in the pit until reaction ceases.

START assisted the EPA as needed and conducted written/photographic documentation.

Next Steps

MHF who will be contracting for Hitchcock, Intermet, and SPX Contech plans to be on site the week of 4/14/07 to resume shipping material off site.

National Machine Company has submitted a work/safety plan to the EPA and their contractor Chemtron Corporation plans to begin work the week of 4/14/08.

ERRS plans to demobilize on 4/11/08 and mobilize back to site on 4/14/08.

EPA will continue to coordinate with magnesium waste generators for the safe and appropriate removal of the material from the site.  EPA will continue to coordinate with all local, state, and federal agencies.
