United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Mike Towle


Stoney Creek Technologies
3300 4th Street, Trainer, PA
Latitude: 39.8300000
Longitude: -75.3975000

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

See previous POLREPs for Site description information.

Since April 2007, the inventory at the Site which contributes to the threats has been steadily reduced.

Current Activities

(A) The Respondents have submitted notice of intent to comply with the February 5, 2008, UAO issued to all potentially responsible parties requiring development and implementation of a plan to discharge wastewaters from the Site in a manner that does not threaten Stoney Creek.  The effective date of the Order was February 13, 2008.  Respondents Stoney Creek Technologies and Chemtura Corporation have prepared a Response Action Plan and have initiated activities under that plan.

(B)     In response to the above-stated UAO, Respondent Stoney Creek Technologies has cleaned the oil/water separators, trenches which convey spills and water to the WWTP, and are presently removing oily material from the some of the basin and vessel components of the WWTP.  The effort is intended to improve quality of water which discharge to Stoney Creek during high rain events.

(c) A sample collected from the discharge of water to Stoney Creek which occurred on February 13, 2008, was found to contain 18.4 mg/L of oil which is within the parameters of the EPA UAO.

(D) The OSC continues to maintain a routine presence at the facility during production timeframes.
(D) An activities log is maintained which describes production activities, incoming and outgoing materials, systems operation status and any maintenance incidents/issues of importance. The facility is focused on maintaining heat to critical ares of the facility, but continues limited production operations, including tank transfers, milling, degassing, and stripping.  Products totaling approximately 8.7 million pounds were shipped to customers or disposed through early July 2008. Materials critical for facility safety (e.g., nitrogen) and some raw materials needed to reduce inventory through processing were brought into the plant.  

(E) Each of three potentially responsible parties received a Unilateral Adminstrative Order from EPA requiring the removal of inventory from the Site. These Orders were amended in March 2008 to impose additional time schedules on removal activities and to re-assign responsibility for tanks based upon the OSC's review of certain production-related information. The Orders continue to allow for removal or processing of chemical inventory for sale or removal for disposal purposes. Stoney Creek Technologies continues to maintain the safety of the facility while processing chemicals for sale.

(F) PADEP continues paying for electricity required to keep the plant safe.

Planned Removal Actions

(A)     The OSC continues to work with the Companies to remove inventory from the Site including the continued production activities that result in net reduction of inventory.  The OSC continues to evaluate information needs for determining when sufficient inventory is removed or if conditions changed such that the threats at the Site are mitigated.

(B) The OSC will work with the Respondents to the orders to discharge wastewaters from the Site.

Next Steps

A) For the immediate future, the OSC plans to continue to allow the Companies to remove existing inventory from the facility through removal and through approved production processes. The OSC will re-evaluate this activity in August against criteria in the EPA Orders which must be met in August in order to continue these activities.  The OSC plans to maintain a site presence during chemical production activities.

Key Issues

(A)     The facility permits were suspended by PADEP and SCT has not yet been able to satisfy requirements that might enable them to regain their permits.

(B)     SCT continues to work to obtain financing to continue as a business.  

(C)     Potentially Responsible Parties are in substantial compliance with the EPA Orders.
