United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region V

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
James Augustyn


Ongoing contractor activities in compliance with the U.S. EPA AOC
Countywide Landfill
3619 Gracemont Street SE, East Sparta, OH
Latitude: 40.6717000
Longitude: -81.4314000

Site #:
Reporting Period:
10/18/2008 - 11/25/2008
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

The Countywide Landfill Site is located at 3619 Gracemont Street SE, East Sparta, Stark County, Ohio, 44626.  For a more complete description of the site history and U.S. EPA enforcement, refer to POLREP #1

Current Activities

From October 18, 2008, through October 24, 2008, Republic contractors completed the re-installation of new FML on the south slope and north plateau of Area N where high winds from Hurricane "Ike" caused extensive damage, as documented in the Key Issues sections of POLREP #3 and POLREP #4.

From October 20, 2008, through October 30, 2008, Republic contractors continued to complete the excavation of the toe drain and installation of FML at the southeast corner of Area E.  The toe drain at the southeast corner of Area E was extended an additional 100 feet east of the design in the Landfill Cover and Long-term Capping Work Plan, due to a clogged pipe that was discovered in the existing toe drain.  Work progress in the southeast corner of Area E was also slowed by factors documented in the Key Issues section of POLREP #4, including some small-scale venting of reaction gas at the southeast corner, and seepage and collection of liquids within the toe drain.  Republic contractors utilized a vac truck to de-water the toe drain sufficiently for the FML installation work to continue.

On October 30, 2008, the final panels of FML were installed in the southeast corner of Area E, and air monitoring readings collected by START in the vicinity of the toe drain decreased significantly after the completion of this section.  Since July 2008, a total of 39 acres of FML have been installed in Areas D, N, W and E as part of the Landfill Cover and Long-term Capping Work Plan.  The remainder of the construction activities included in the Landfill Cover and Long-term Capping Work Plan are anticipated to commence in 2009.

On November 6, 2008, Republic held an on-site meeting attended by representatives from U.S. EPA, Ohio EPA, Stark County Health Department, the Canton Local Air Agency, and additional consultants joining via teleconference.  The meeting agenda included discussion of the construction methodology and technical designs proposed in the Isolation Break Excavation Work Plan drafted by Republic contractors.  Republic agreed to revise the Isolation Break Excavation Work Plan to incorporate the input from the agencies in attendance.  U.S. EPA approved the revised Isolation Break Excavation Work Plan on November 19, 2008.

From November 19-25, 2008, Republic contractors utilized a bucket-auger drill rig to install five replacement gas extraction wells along the northern and southern perimeters of the planned isolation break area.  These are replacements for the existing gas extraction wells currently situated within the footprint of the isolation break that will be removed as a result of the proposed excavation work.

Next Steps

U.S. EPA, Ohio EPA, and Republic will conduct a physical inspection of the 39-acre area where new FML was has been installed to insure complete coverage of the area and document existing conditions.

Republic contractors will begin the excavation and construction of an "isolation break" as detailed in the Isolation Break Excavation Work Plan.  The proposed isolation break is intended to establish a physical air-space separation of landfill cells 7-16 from the original 88-acres (cells 1-6), preventing the northward migration of reaction-generated heat and gases that has been documented during AOC activities.  The isolation break will require excavation and relocation of approximately 385,000 cubic yards of waste material from landfill cells 4b, 5a, 5b and 7, and require an estimated 3-5 months for completion.  The work is currently anticipated to begin the week of December 8, 2008.

The remainder of the construction activities included in the Landfill Cover and Long-term Capping Plan are anticipated to resume in 2009.

Key Issues

