United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region III

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Mike Towle


Stoney Creek Technologies
3300 4th Street, Trainer, PA
Latitude: 39.8300000
Longitude: -75.3975000

Site #:
Reporting Period:
D.O. #:
Start Date:
Response Authority:
Mob Date:
Response Type:
Demob Date:
NPL Status:
Completion Date:
Incident Category:
Removal Action
Contract #

Site Description

See previous POLREPs for Site description information.

Since April 2007, the inventory at the Site which contributes to the threats has been steadily reduced. Currently, approximately 10.7 million pounds of inventory has been removed and approximately 6.4 million pounds of inventory remains.  Stoney Creek Technologies (SCT)continues limited operations at the Site.

Current Activities

EPA amended the Orders issued to each of the Respondents to remove inventory from the Site.  In addition to assigning inventory items to specific Respondents, a schedule for removal was provided.  At this time, Respondents have failed to remove inventory items pursuant to the assigned requirements.

In response to the failure to remove inventory items, EPA initiated actions which will facilitate removal of inventory items by EPA should Respondents continue to fail to remove inventory items. EPA has sampled numerous tanks and is now awaiting bids for disposal of certain inventory items.

Stoney Creek Technologies continues very limited operations. These operations intend to allow the Company sufficient income to continue to assist the OSC with Site safety issues and inventory reduction.

Stoney Creek Technologies continues to remove materials which have spilled into the drainage ditches at the Site and which interfere with the movement of liquids from the processing areas into the treatment system.  SCT is also collaborating with another Respondent to remove ash piles laden with reject chemical material from the Site.

The OSC continues to maintain a routine presence at the facility during production timeframes.
PADEP continues paying for electricity required to keep the plant safe.  Additionally, PADEP has prepared a consent order with Stoney Creek Technologies which would address outstanding environmental issues at the Site, but which would only become effective if SCT becomes viable.  PADEP has allowed SCT until November 28th to meet the conditions of the Consent Order.

EPA amended its Order with SCT has allowed SCT until November 28th to demonstrate that it is viable and can solely sustain operations at the Site. Part of the demonstration requires SCT to have plans with critical utilities and to have regained its operating permits with PADEP.

Planned Removal Actions

The OSC continues to work with the Companies to remove inventory from the Site including the continued production activities that result in net reduction of inventory.  The OSC continues to evaluate information needs for determining when sufficient inventory is removed or if conditions changed such that the threats at the Site are mitigated.  EPA is also planning on initiating its own removal actions to reduce inventory at the Site.
