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Carl's Tire Retreading

All POLREP's for this site Carl's Tire Retreading
Grawn, MI - EPA Region V
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On-Scene Coordinator - Brian Kelly 10/30/2003
Time-Critical - Removal Action Pollution Report (POLREP) #5
Start Date: 7/14/2003 Completion Date: 11/17/2003
Pollution Report (POLREP) #5
Site Description
See POLREP #1 for details

Current Activities
U.S. EPA has completed excavation, backfilling, and grading of the contaminated soil.  A total of 765 yds3 of contaminated soil and 467,050 gallons of contaminated water were treated.  In addition 4,500 gallons of oil and water, and 10,479 tons of excavated soil were shipped off-site for disposal at Edwards Oil, Detroit, Michigan (liquids), and Glen’s Sanitary Landfill, Inc., Maple City, Michigan (soil).  

On-site frac tanks that were used for water treatment and free product collection, and heavy equipment used during operations have been decontaminated and demobilized from site.  

Wastewater, wastewater treatment media, and contaminated soil have been sampled and removed for off-site disposed.  

A Geoprobe investigation was completed of the excavated area to confirm that heavily contaminated soil had been removed.  The survey led to additional tree removal to facilitate removal of overburden from the south rim of the excavation and further excavation of an area to the south of the original proposed area of contaminated soil where subsurface dark, black, contaminated gravel was found.  

U.S. EPA completed site transition back to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality(MDEQ).

Site activities to date:
September 18, 2003, U.S. EPA graded the excavation surface and prepared site for Geoprobe investigation.  Treatment of 9,900 gallons of contaminated water was completed.  581 tons of soil were shipped off-site for disposal.

September 19, 2003, U.S. EPA began the Geoprobe investigation of subsurface soil within the excavation area.  8,100 gallons of contaminated water were treated.  558 tons of soil were shipped off-site for disposal.

September 20, 2003, U.S. EPA completed the Geoprobe investigation of subsurface soil within the excavation area.

September 22, 2003, U.S. EPA shipped 56 tons of soil off-site for disposal.

September 23, 2003, U.S. EPA began removal of trees along the south rim of the excavation  to facilitate the removal of overburden from the south side and access to the contaminated soil below.   In total, an area 205 feet wide and 43 feet deep (from the rim of open excavation to the roadway) was cleared of trees.  Removal of overburden soil began.

September 24, 2003, U.S. EPA continued removal of overburden soil from south side of excavation.

September 25, 2003, U.S. EPA completed the removal of overburden material from south side of excavation and regraded the south slope.  Excavation of Cell No. 44 commenced.  Subsurface seam of dark, black contaminated gravel noted in cell.  2,925 gallons of contaminated water were treated.

September 26, 2003, U.S. EPA completed excavation of Cell No. 44.  Test-pitting was conducted in the area recently uncovered near the south wall to determine the extent of the layer of contaminated, black gravel.14,435 gallons of contaminated water were treated.  665 tons of soil were shipped off-site for disposal.  Disposal of contaminated water commenced.  

September 27, 2003, U.S. EPA completed excavation of Cell No. 45.  2,275 gallons of contaminated water were treated.

October 6, 2003, U.S. EPA completed excavation of Cell Nos. 46 and 47.  10,865 gallons of contaminated water were treated.

October 7, 2003, U.S. EPA completed excavation of Cell No. 48.  This completed all proposed excavation.  9,600 gallons of contaminated water were treated.  Disposal of contaminated water concluded.  A total of 467,050 gallons of contaminated water were shipped off-site for disposal.

October 8 - 10, 2003,.U.S. EPA completed decontamination of on-site frac tanks, and continued backfilling and grading of excavation, and decontaminating remaining on-site equipment.  

October 13-17, 2003, U.S. EPA completed backfilling and grading of excavation, demobilized the U.S. EPA water treatment trailer, on-site frac tanks and all heavy equipment (except for one excavator), including water pumps, steam cleaners, and generators.

October 22 - 26, 2003, U.S. EPA completed tree-chipping and stump removal in area south of excavation that was cleared for overburden removal.

October 29-30, 2003, U.S. EPA assisted the MDEQ with the collection of four soil borings from the south edge of the excavation.  Borings indicated that no contaminated soil was present south of the area that was excavated.  Final demobilization.

Planned Removal Actions

Next Steps
Update local agencies of project completion.