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Stoney Creek Technologies

All POLREP's for this site Stoney Creek Technologies
Trainer, PA - EPA Region III
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On-Scene Coordinator - Dominic Ventura 5/16/2012
Emergency - Removal Action Pollution Report (POLREP) #40
Start Date: 4/19/2007
Pollution Report (POLREP) #40
Site Description
See previous POLREPs for Site description information.

Neither Stoney Creek Technologies nor any other Respondent to EPA's Orders or Potentially Responsible Party is conducting response actions due to bankruptcy, financial inability, or other reasons; therefore, EPA continues to use its own contractor resources to conduct response actions at the Site.  

Current Activities
-ERRS concluded the excavation of contaminated soil from the area adjacent to the waste water treatment plant (WWTP).  ERRS removed concrete and two tanks (T-955 and T-956) and completed excavating contaminated soil in the vicinity of the 'old' WWTP settling ponds.  Soil is being staged on-site pending disposal.  Soil excavation activities were conducted to reduce the risk of off site migration of oil due to discharge of oil to surface water.

- ERRS began transportation and disposal of the contaminated soil stockpile generated from excavation activities.  Approximately 484 tons of soil were transported off site for disposal during this work period.  

- During cleanout of the storage building adjacent to the command office, a small bottle of mercury was spilled. ERRS contractors immediately cleaned up the mercury, vacuumed the floors using a mercury vac and applied HGX to control the vapors. Currently, the room is being heated with a salamander heater in an effort to reduce vapors. START contractors have been routinely monitoring the room with a Lumex. Decontamination and monitoring will continue until mercury levels are at acceptable levels.  

- ERRS continued decontaminating exterior solid surfaces and drainage trenches.  This is being accomplished through scraping with hand tools and cleaning with hot water pressure washers.  Solid waste is being drummed for disposal and decon water is being consolidated in T-190.

- Waste water generated from decontamination operations is currently being stored in T-190 and T-198.    

- To date, approximately 21,600 gallons of material have been generated through pad and line clearing operations.  Arrangements for waste disposal is ongoing.

-  ERRS completed removal of materials from tank 956 during this reporting period.  With the exception of tanks being used to contain waste water, all planned tank clean out activities are now complete.

- ERRS completed the clean out of the main storm sewer line with a Jet Rod high pressure washer. Multiple passes of each sewer line section was conducted throughout a 3 week period. Wash water containing oily sludge was collected via vac trucks and pretreated in an onsite portable weir tank. From the weir tank, the wash water was then pumped into a dewatering box through a 100 micron dirt bag filter. The water is currently being staged in T-539, T-525 and T-526 pending transport to DELCORA for treatment.

- Over 250,000 gallons of water is currently being store on site which will require treatment.

- ERRS continued to operate the WWTP under procedures approved by the OSC.  The WWTP discharges to Stoney Creek.  Monitoring of pH and sampling of discharge is conducted routinely to ensure water quality meets applicable standards.  

- START Engineer completed engineering design for construction activities and installation of sewer pipe which will allow for the discontinuation of the WWTP and discharge of storm water to Stoney Creek.

- 23 totes and approximatly 60 drums containing acidic water were combined and stored into T-431A.  

- Approximately 240 waste drums, 1 roll-off, 250 tons of soil are currently staged on site. Transportation and disposal is currently being arranged by ERRS.

- Approximately 4,400 tons of soil and 4 roll-off boxes containing contents from T-956 were shipped off site for disposal during this reporting period.  To date, approximately 1,500,000 gallons of material have been removed from the site.  

- START contractors are performing air monitoring to ensure worker safety while performing tank entries and other activities that may present risk for worker exposure.

Planned Removal Actions
- Dispose of and/ or treat wastes staged on site.

- Patch concrete where sub-surface contamination poses a threat of surfacing and running off-site.

- Decontaminate and close the current WWTP.  This will include filling retention basins and installing sewer pipe to allow storm water to discharge to Stoney Creek.  

-- START contractors will collect surface water samples from the site drainage system in order to confirm effectiveness of surface decontamination.

Disposition Of Wastes
Disposal activities include disposal from individual tanks, tank consolidations, and a variety of drums.  Single manifests may include wastes from multiple sources.  Wastes are primarily disposed as corrosive (acids and caustics), flammable (items containing solvents), and non hazardous (primarily oil-based materials).

Waste Stream Quantity Manifest # Disposal Facility
T-132 22,200 gal. various (D002) Vickery Env. Inc., Vickery, OH
T-134 7,900 gal. various (D002) Vickery Env. Inc., Vickery, OH
T-171 22,363 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-172 13,816 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-174 3,800 gal. various (D001, D002) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-174 42,464 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-176 35,621 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-198 3,960 gal. various (Non-Haz) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-201 10,742 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-337 11,190 gal. various (Non-Haz) Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA
T-340 19,967 gal. various (Non-Haz) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-401 5,000 gal. various (D001, D002, D003) Clean Harbors, El Dorado, AR
T-406 24,375 gal. various (D001) Heritage WTI, East Liverpool, OH
T-407 14,892 gal. various (D001, D002) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-411 12,776 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-420 10,004 gal. various (D001) Casie Protank, Vineland, NJ
T-421 9,010 gal. various (D001) Casie Protank, Vineland, NJ
T-422 7,661 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-424 8,638 gal. various (Non-Haz.) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-193 16,908 gal. various; #001052715GBF; #001052776GBF Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
T-425 8,450 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-431A 32,631 gal. various (D001, D002, D003) Clean Harbors, El Dorado, AR
T-437 23,470 gal. various (D001, D002) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-495 3,701 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-521 16,667 gal. various (Non-Haz.) Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA
T-525 (Mar. 09) 69,561 gal. various (Non-Haz.) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-525 (Jan. 10) 45,050 gal. various (sludge) Republic, Hatfield, PA and Veolia ES Greentree, Kersey, PA
T-526 (Mar. 09) 46,592 gal. various (Non-Haz.) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-526 (Jan. 10) 30,340 gal. various (sludge) Republic, Hatfield, PA
T-527 (tank bottom) 7,775 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-527 (tank top) 10,287 gal. various (Non-Haz.) FCC Environmental, WIlmington, DE
T-539 (Feb. 09) 19,354 gal. various (Non-Haz.) Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA
T-539 (Oct. 09) 22,625 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-640 34,208 gal. various (Non-Haz.) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-641 30,609 gal. various (Non-Haz.) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-660 30,750 gal. various (D001) Clean Harbors, Baltimore, MD
T-661 21,264 gal. various (Non-Haz.) Env. Recycling Corp., Lancaster, PA
T-663 41,010 gal. various (Non-Haz.) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-680 17,013 gal. various (Non-Haz.) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-681 20,339 gal. various (Non-Haz.) FCC Environmental, Wilmington, DE
T-105 12,608 gal. various (D002) Vickery Environmental, Vickery, OH
D-672 2,540 gal. various (Non-Haz.) Environmental Recovery Corporation of PA, Lancaster, PA
White Oil 2,450 gal. various (Non-Haz.) Environmental Recovery Corporation of PA, Lancaster, PA
Misc. Chemical Drums 2,394; 120,485 gal. various Various Recipients
Misc. Chemical Boxes 36; 7,200 gal. various Various Recipients
Lab Pack Drums 34; 1,700 gal. various Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
Lab Pack Boxes 2; 400 gal. various Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
Methanol Totes 10; 2,750 gal. various (D001) Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
T-460 86,737 gal. various EI Dupont De Numours & Co., Inc., Chambers Works,  Deepwater, NJ, Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
T-534 8,434 gal. various (D001,F003) Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
Misc Chemical Drums 150 drums various Various Recipients
T-204 20,015 gal. various Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
T-460 1,175 gal various; #007662899JJK; #007662900JJK Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
T-193 16,908 gal. various; 6 loads Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
T-802 1,647 gal #007662905JJK Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
Misc Chemical Drums 320 drums various Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
T-801 RollOff 13,000 various Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
T-641 Roll-Off 36,000 F003 Clean Venture/Cycle Chem, Lewisberry, PA
Railroad Siding Soil 1106 Tons non-haz Cumberland County Landfill, Shippensburg, PA
Railroad Ties 2 roll off boxes non-haz Modern Landfill, York, PA
Misc Chemical Drums 134 drums Various Various Recipients
T-956 Roll Offs 4 roll off boxes Various non-haz Modern Landfill, York, PA
WWTP Excavated Soil 484 tons Various; 22 loads Cumberland County Kandfill