Site Location
The Facemate Site, located at 5 West Main Street in the city of Chicopee, Hampden County, Massachusetts, includes 7 buildings, used for various stages of textile manufacturing, on an L-shaped area of 19.25 acres. It is bordered on the north and west by the Chicopee River, on the south by the Chicopee Industrial Park(former Uniroyal Complex), on the southeast by mixed residential and commercial area, and on the east by commercial property. Multiple family dwellings, apartments, and condominiums are located within 200 feet of the area. Adjacent to the river and the Site are two water treatment pump stations and a flood-control dam.
The Site is not fully secure, only partially fenced-in, and hazardous materials are present in 3 of the buildings. The area was used by Facemate Corporation to process and finish cotton fabrics (i.e., bleaching, dyeing, resin coating, fire retardant coating) until November 2003, when the company shut down operations due to bank foreclosure procedures and left the Site unoccupied. Oil on the Site was used as either fuel for the plant boiler or lubricants for machinery used in the mill. Bleaches, starches, dyes, acids, and resins were used in the cloth processing and finishing. Chlorinated solvents were used in the mill’s machine shops. Tanks, vats, drums, and other containers of hazardous substances remain in these buildings. Friable asbestos has been identified in several of the buildings, especially in the boiler room of the main mill building, and a debris pile of asbestos shingles and siding has been identified outside one of the buildings. The Site has been abandoned since March 2004 without electricity, heat, water, or fire protection utilities.
Activities since the last POLREP
During the reporting period of this POLREP (12/10/04 - 2/10/05), the primary activities included investigating all the buildings and trailers on the Site, gathering all drums encountered, and staging the drums in Building 1 for disposal. An ERRS T&D Coordinator began the hazardous categorizing of all staged drums and containers. In addition, all vats and tanks were evaluated, numbered, and ERRS personnel determined whether the contents of the tanks could be pumped out. As the internal vats and tanks were cleaned, the contents were either pumped or shoveled into 55-gallon drums, and all lab pack information was categorized. Relavent activities included:
. On 12/17/04, an ERRS subcontractor sampled the contents of a sulfuric and hydrochloric acid ASTs. . On 12/27/04, an ERRS subcontractor vacuum truck was on-site to pump out almost 3,600 gallons of product within the sulfuric acid tank secondary containment area and the hydrochloric tank. . On 01/04/05, an ERRS T&D Coordinator began the hazardous categorizing of all lab packs staged and surveyed the hydrogen peroxide AST, which is located on the south side of Building 1. . On 01/05/05, START conducted a final walk through of the upper three floors of Buildings 1 and 5 to assure that no containers were remaining. . On 01/07/05, a final inventory of the drums collected and staged was begun and on 01/10/05, the inventory of the collected drums identified almost 600 empties and almost 1000 containing some substance. . On 01/10/05, ERRS personnel began to neutralize and scrubbed the hydrochloric storage tank with a powdered lime material. . On 01/11/05, an ERRS T&D Coordinator conducted a bid walk for the transportation and disposal of the lab packs staged from the 3 labs identified on Site. . From 01/17/05 - 01/21/05, ERRS personnel removed acidic sludge and liquid from the sulfuric acid tank and then neutralized and scrubbed the tank interior and the contaiment area using lime powder . On 02/03/05, an ERRS subcontractor arrived to pump the silicate tank located on-site. . On 02/03/05, an ERRS subcontractor arrived to load out approximately 575 empty drums that were located within the building and staged at the loading dock.
In addition to the drum, container, vat and tank work that has been going on by ERRS throughout the reporting period, the following activities have occurred:
. On 12/13/05, ERRS personnel began removing a pile of asbestos-containing material (ACM) located along the dike access road near the western edge of the Site. . On 12/14/04, an ERRS subcontractor delivered a roll-off container and collected ACM was bagged and disposed in the roll-off. . On 12/15/04, MA DEP and Chicopee DPW were on-site to discuss access to the property and lock-up activities. . On 01/12/05, MA DEP on site to discuss current site activities and to discuss the owner’s access to the site. . On 02/03/05, an ERRS T&D Coordinator conducted a bid walk for the removal of the eight transformers on-site. . On 02/08/05, an ERRS T&D Coordinator conducted another bid walk for the removal of the eight transformers on-site. . On 02/09/05, an ERRS subcontractor arrived on site to transport and dispose of the ACM roll-off container on site. . On 02/09/05, an ERRS subcontractor arrived on site to categorize and lab pack all material that was discovered during initial investigations. . On 02/09/05, Chicopee DPW arrived on site in response to a call placed by ERRS RM about a burst pipe in the basement of the Building 3. The water main was shut off at this time.
∙ Identify and characterize waste streams and develop waste profiles for disposal purposes. ∙ Overpack, inventory, sample, and analyze (as necessary) the hazardous substances in the containers at the staging areas. ∙ Inventory, sample, and analyze (as necessary), the hazardous substances found in vats and tanks. ∙ Overpack, consolidate, repackage, and stage any identified hazardous wastes. ∙ Provide transportation and disposal of hazardous substances including but not limited to, acids, bases, dyes, asbestos containing materials (ACM), PCBs transformer and transformer oil at CERCLA-approved off-site disposal and recycling facilities in a safe and cost-effective manner. ∙ Investigate surface contamination in the unpaved areas around the Site (as necessary) and the areas where the above-ground and underground storage tanks were located. Remove any soil contamination found as necessary.
Direct and coordinate with START and ERRS the ongoing removal action. In addition, coordinate efforts with MA DEP.