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American Recycling


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American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending June 15, 2024 6/17/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Continue backfilling of excavated grids and prep site for completion.

The team continued adding backfill to the excavated grids and then seeding those grids where backfilling was complete. Waste shipments continued.


Planned Activities:

All site activities should be completed by June 22, 2024

American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending June 8, 2024 6/10/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Complete site excavation activities of impacted grids.

The team completed excavation activities in 1 grid and based on confirmation samples in several others proceeded with backfilling. Hazardous waste soil was shipped off site for the first time this week, all non-hazardous soil has been shipped off-site.

Planned Activities          

Complete backfill, compaction, and grading of the grids below the site action levels. Continue shipment of hazardous waste soils off-site.

American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending June 1, 2024 6/1/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Continue site excavation activities of impacted grids.

A total of three confirmation samples were collected over the week of May 28th.  Analytical results from the previous week showed four grids had lead concentrations below site action levels, allowing for the grids to be backfilled.

Excavation work was performed in 1 grid to predetermined depths.  Non-hazardous waste soil was loaded and removed from the site throughout the week. Two grids were completely backfilled. 

Planned Activities          

Complete further excavation of materials from the impacted areas. Complete backfill, compaction, and grading of the grids below the site action levels.  Collect confirmation samples from excavated grids and assess results to determine whether grids are suitable for completion and backfill.


American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending May 25, 2024 5/29/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Continue site excavation activities of impacted grids.

A total of two confirmation samples were collected over the work week of May 18th.  Analytical results from the previous week showed four grids had lead concentrations below site action levels, allowing for the grids to be backfilled.

Excavation work was performed in 3 grids to predetermined depths.  Non-hazardous waste soil was loaded and removed from the site throughout the week. Three grids were completely backfilled. 

Additional activities included the daily deployment of perimeter air monitoring for airborne dust particulates. Air monitoring readings were below the site action levels of 1.25 mg/m3. The water truck was operated around the site for dust suppression.

Planned Activities          

Complete further excavation of materials from the impacted areas. Complete backfill, compaction, and grading of the grids below the site action levels.  Collect confirmation samples from excavated grids and assess results to determine whether grids are suitable for completion and backfill.

American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending May 18, 2024 5/19/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Continue site excavation activities of impacted grids.

A total of seven confirmation samples were collected over the work week of May 18th.  Analytical results showed two grids had lead concentrations below site action levels, allowing for the grids to be backfilled.  The other 5 grids sampled are awaiting lab results. 

Excavation work was performed in 8 grids to predetermined depths.  Non-hazardous waste soil was loaded and removed from the site throughout the week. Three grids were completely backfilled. 

Additional activities included the daily deployment of perimeter air monitoring for airborne dust particulates. Air monitoring readings were below the site action levels of 1.25 mg/m3. The water truck was operated around the site for dust suppression.

Planned Activities          

Complete further excavation of materials from the impacted areas. Complete backfill, compaction, and grading of the grids below the site action levels. Perform particulate air monitoring during excavation and backfill activities. Collect confirmation samples from excavated grids and assess results to determine whether grids are suitable for completion and backfill.

American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending May 11, 2024 5/11/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Continue site excavation activities of impacted grids.

A total of eight confirmation samples were collected over the work week of May 11th.  Analytical results showed two grids had lead concentrations below site action levels, allowing for the grids to be backfilled.  The other 6 grids sampled are awaiting lab results. 

Excavation work was performed in 5 grids to predetermined depths.  Non-hazardous waste soil was loaded and removed from the site throughout the week. Three grids were completely backfilled. 

Additional activities included the daily deployment of perimeter air monitoring for airborne dust particulates. Air monitoring readings were below the site action levels of 1.25 mg/m3. The water truck was operated around the site for dust suppression.

Planned Activities          

Complete further excavation of materials from the impacted areas. Complete backfill, compaction, and grading of the grids below the site action levels. Perform particulate air monitoring during excavation and backfill activities. Collect confirmation samples from excavated grids and assess results to determine whether grids are suitable for completion and backfill.

American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending May 04, 2024 5/5/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Continue site excavation activities of impacted grids.

Samples were collected from excavated grids to confirm the removal of contamination and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Analytical results from previous confirmation samples showed 5 grids had lead concentrations below industrial site action level allowing for the grids to be backfilled with clean soil.  Confirmation samples at two grids showed lead concentrations exceeding the site action levels requiring further excavation.

Excavation work was performed in a total 8 grids.  Backfill of excavated grids was completed in three grids. Additional work was hampered again due to rain on site, no activities occurred on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

Additional site activities included the daily deployment of perimeter air monitoring for airborne dust particulates. Air monitoring readings were below the site action levels of 1.25 mg/m3.

Planned Activities          

Complete further excavation of materials from the impacted areas. Complete backfill, compaction, and grading of the grids below the site action levels.  

American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending April 27, 2024 4/27/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Continue site excavation activities of impacted grids.

On April 22, 2024, the team resumed excavation of impacted grids on the northern, southern, and western perimeters of the property. A total of seven grids were excavated to predetermined depths. Confirmation samples were collected as excavation was completed in these grids. 

Additional excavation was needed at one grid after failing its confirmation sample, the  grid was excavated an additional 6 inches and a new confirmation soil sample was collected. Backfilling began on April 25, 2024, after receiving lab results on the backfill samples showing the fill passed industrial site action levels.

Assessment samples collected on April 11, 2024 for grids not initially sampled, exceeded the industrial site action level. The grids were excavated then excavated.  Additional assessment samples were collected in the grids originally covered by the mulch pile.

Daily activities included the deployment of perimeter air monitoring for airborne dust particulates. All air monitoring readings were below the site action levels of 1.25 mg/m3.


Planned Activities          

Complete further excavation of materials from the impacted areas. Complete backfill, compaction, and grading of the grids below the site action levels. Collect confirmation samples from excavated grids and assess results to determine whether grids are suitable for completion and backfill.

American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending April 20, 2024 4/27/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Continue Site excavation activities of impacted grids.

Beginning on April 15, 2024, the team continued excavating impacted grids on the east side of the property. On-site operations were halted for the week on April 17th due to high water levels in the Halfway Slough bordering the property.  A total of 10 grids out of 24 were excavated to predetermined depths. Lead contaminated soils excavated from grids were staged on grid C06 and covered with poly on April 16th 2024.

On April 18th, the team performed a site inspection which showed a reduction in water levels confirmed that the staged contaminated soil remained covered.

The team collected one confirmation sample from each grid, I06, I07, and J05. All of these lab results and backfill sample results are pending as of April 20, 2024.

Planned Activities          

The team will continue excavating contaminated soil from the affected area grids. Once confirmatory sample results and backfill sample results are received, excavated grids will be filled with clean fill.

American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending April 13, 2024 4/13/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Continue preparing the Site for excavation activities of impacted grids, commence excavation of grids on the south side of property.

On April 8, 2024, EPA continued site preparation including installation of silt fencing along the Halfway Slough, installation of barrier fence on the southside of the property and completion of the movement of the mulch pile to allow for excavation of the underlying grids. Onsite operations were halted on April 9th and 10th due to storms, over 5 inches of precipitation fell in Oil City, Louisiana the Halfway Slough rose to flood levels and inundated the north side of the property.  Water levels are expected to rise through the week of April 15th. On April 11, excavation of contaminated grids began on the south side of the property. Seven of the 24 grids were excavated to the depths determined by the Removal Site Evaluation. The team collected a sample from a previously unsampled grid, confirmation samples from each excavated grid, and a sample of the material to be used for backfill.  Due to the rain, the site team will demobilize April 17th and resume activities on April 22nd.

Planned Activities          

The team will continue excavating contaminated soil from the affected area grids. Excavated grids will be filled with clean fill.

American Recycling Removal Update for the Week ending April 06, 2024 4/6/2024 Site Update

Weekly Objective: Commence preparing the Site for excavation activities of impacted grids.

On April 2, 2024, the team initiated on-site preparations. involving receipt of two mobile offices, heavy equipment, one mobile generator, and other equipment. Additional activities included delineating the impacted grids, setting up, testing, and deploying perimeter air monitoring equipment. The team also cleared debris and trees from affected grids and installed a silt fence along the northern perimeter boundary line. Results from the 2019 and 2020 Assessment sampling event concluded that 24 out of the 90 sampled grids would require excavation.

Site conditions during the week were mostly sunny. Temperatures ranged from low-70s in the mornings to low-80s during the afternoon. Wind gusts ranged from light to heavy gusts throughout the week.

There were no safety issues on-site. Safety focuses included but were not limited to wildlife, heat stress, safe driving, hydration, communication and eye contact with equipment operators, slips, trips, falls on uneven surfaces, ear protection around equipment, proper PPE dress-out when utilizing chainsaw, housekeeping, hygiene on and off-site, proper rest, and communication amongst team and individuals on the Site.

Planned Activities          

The team will commence excavating contaminated soil from the affected area grids. Excavated grids will be filled with clean fill.