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East Helena Lead Removal

Notices  Posted Category
Site Description 6/5/2024 00 Background

East Helena Lead Superfund Site is an EPA Remedial site addressing the contamination from a historic smelter that operated for over 100 years (1888 to 2001). The lead and zinc smelter operated on the southern edge of town. The operation led to the deposition of heavy metal contamination throughout East Helena. A Superfund Site Investigation (SSI) was completed in 1981 and the site was listed on the National Priority List (NPL) in 1984. EPA’s Remedial team has completed multiple phases of remediation work, including groundwater clean up and some residential yard clean ups. Currently the main problem area is lead contaminated soils with exposure pathways to sensitive demographics.

In a sampling event completed by EPA's Remedial team in 2023, several unaddressed properties were found with high concern of exposure. These homes are occupied by highly sensitive demographics (children and women of children bearing ages) and have high concentrations of lead in their yards. In some cases, the children at these properties have shown elevated blood lead levels. EPA’s Remedial Team asked that the Removal team address these prioritized properties in 2024 ahead of Remedial's planned actions in 2025. The properties include six residential yards and one school playground.

Safety Message 6/5/2024 00 Background

EPA personnel and contractors will be primarily cautious with slips, trips and falls. Heat stress and weather related events will be carefully monitored.

Safety protocols are set in place for operating heavy machinery and navigating around active heavy machinery, including radio for each piece of equipment and each person in the designated hot zone.

All workers will be in proper personal protective equipment, and have a baseline blood lead level test done to ensure no lead exposure occurs.

All workers have stop work authority for safety issues recognized on site.

Site Objectives 6/5/2024 00 Background

Over the course of the removal action, the team will mitigate lead exposure at affected properties by replacing contaminated soils with clean soils and capping with sod. This will be done safely and efficiently while being in open communication with property owners and the community of East Helena at large.

Period Objectives 6/5/2024 01- May 30 to June 8

During the operational period of May 30- June 8, the objectives are the following:

1. Mobilize crew and equipment to site

2. Conduct site orientation and staging process

3. Conduct crew blood-level lead screening

4. Excavate contaminated soils from the first property and begin backfilling

5. Begin excavation of contaminated soils from the second property

Period Accomplishments 6/18/2024 01- May 30 to June 8

During this operational period, the removal team:

1. Mobilized to the site

 - All personal and equipment safely arrived at the site in a timely fashion.

2. Conducted Site orientation and staging

- Personnel was familiarized with the equipment being used, the locations of the properties being addressed, and the repository where contaminated soils will be brought.

3. Conducted Blood Level Screening and addressed site safety concerns

- All personnel handling heavy machinery around the site underwent site safety orientation and blood lead level screenings to have a baseline should any exposures happen. Additionally, a safety meeting is held every morning at 7am.

4. Begin work at the first property

- The crew began excavating contaminated soils from the first property. Some minor delays occurred involving the homeowners sprinkler system that delayed progress briefly. Prior to excavating, the removal team walked the property with the homeowner to ensure all entities understood the project scope.

5. Property walk at the second and third properties

- The removal team walked the next two properties with their respective owners so that when the equipment and crews are ready the team can immediately begin work. The second property is Prickly Pear Elementary School and the third property is residential. 

Period Objectives 6/18/2024 02- June 9 to June 15

The objectives of this operations period are as follows:

At first property:

1. Backfill front and back yard.

2. Re-place items that were temporarily moved from yard including flowerbed plants, sprinkler system, chicken coop.

3. Replace sidewalk in backyard.

4. Place sod.

At Prickly Pear Elementary:

 1. Begin excavation & soil removal.

Period Accomplishments 6/18/2024 02- June 9 to June 15

During this operational period, the removal team:

1. Continued work at the first property

- The crew backfilled soil, re-placing the sprinkler system, small plants, and chicken coop. The topsoil was added and graded. The crew then set a frame for the backyard sidewalk and filled with cement. Sod was ordered for placement the following week. 

2. Began work at the second property, Prickly Pear Elementary

- The crew began excavation at Prickly Pear Elementary. Operators used excavation machinery for large open spaces, while others hand dug around posts anchoring the playground. Signage and fencing was placed in the alleyway between the track and schoolyard, creating a designated space for construction traffic away from school traffic. 

3. Property walk at the the fourth property

- The removal team walked the property with the owners so that when the equipment and crews are ready the team can immediately begin work.

Period Objectives 6/18/2024 03- June 16 to June 22

The objectives of this operations period are as follows:

At first property:

  1. Complete sidewalk in backyard
  2. Place sod.

At Prickly Pear Elementary:

  1. Complete excavation and soil removal.

At third property:

  1. Review the property and site details with the homeowner.
  2. Begin excavation of contaminated soil from property.

Period Accomplishments 6/18/2024 03- June 16 to June 22

During this operational period, the removal team: 

1. Completed work at the first property.

The crew removed concrete forms from around the sidewalk, and placed additional topsoil in spaces left by the forms. Sod was delivered, and a landscaping company placed it on the property.

2. Continued work at the second property, Prickly Pear Elementary.

The crew completed excavation of the school yard to a consistent depth, removed contaminated soil from the site, and prepared the excavation for backfilling with clean soils. 

3. Began work at the third property.

Crews completed an additional site walk with the property owner, and started work in the front and back yards with hand tools. Equipment was brought to the site, and crews began excavation. 

Period Objectives 6/24/2024 04- June 23 to June 30

The objectives of this operations period are as follows:

At Prickly Pear Elementary:

  1. Complete excavation and soil removal.

At third property:

  1.  Complete excavation and removal of contaminated soil from property.

At fourth property:

  1. Review logistics of planned activities with the homeowner. 
  2. Set up temporary fence in front yard. 

Period Accomplishments 6/29/2024 04- June 23 to June 30

During this operational period, the removal team: 

  1. Continued work at the second property, Prickly Pear Elementary.
    The crew is nearing completion of backfill at the school yard and has removed all necessary contaminated soil from the site. Preparation for topsoil and sod has begun.

  2. Continued work at the third property. 
    The crew is nearing completion of backfill in the front and back yards and has removed all necessary contaminated soil from these areas. Preparation for topsoil and sod has begun. Excavation of contaminated soils from the driveway has begun. 

  3. Prepped for work at the fourth property.
    Crews have set up a temporary fence in the front yard for the homeowner in preparation for excavation in the backyard. Work is expected to begin next Tuesday, July 2nd.