The City of Tooele and Tooele County approached an EPA On-Scene Coordinator about a property with a debris pile containing asbestos containing martial (ACM). Based on the report, the OSC conducted a visual assessment of the area and debris pile to confirm concerns expressed by local officials. The OSC was able to verify a large debris pile with lax security measures and visuals signs of trespassing or scavenging. A report provided by the PRP confirmed ACM and was visually verified by the OSC.
The ACM is releasing friable asbestos into the environment at the Site, which is in a residential and mixed-use neighborhood with three primary schools with 0.3-miles. There are no adequate restrictions currently in place to prevent children or other persons from accessing the Site and posing an asbestos inhalation threat to trespassers and other individuals who enter or live near the Site.
The emergency removal action includes the cleanup and proper disposal of the ACM-contaminated debris. Weather events including wind, rain, and snow will continue to degrade the remaining portions of the structures and debris piles, causing the ACM to release additional asbestos fibers, as the material weathers and becomes friable due to ongoing exposure to the elements. Hence, asbestos fibers will likely migrate off-Site and pose an asbestos inhalation threat to nearby residents and community members.