The Regional Response Team (RRT) is a key component of the U.S. federal government’s commitment to ensure effective preparedness and response to oil and chemical incidents affecting human health and safety, as well as the environment.
As described in the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP, 40 CFR part 300), the RRTs are responsible for planning and coordination of regional preparedness, as well as planning and coordination of response actions in support of the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (Federal OSC).
RRTs function in two ways – as a standing team and as an incident-specific team. The roles and responsibilities of the RRTs are outlined in §300.115 of the NCP.
RRT-8 Meetings:
The RRT-8 meets two times per year. Meeting dates, locations and agendas are provided here (in the documents section) for upcoming meetings.
Next RRT-8 meeting: October 23-24, 2024 in Denver, CO.
The Emergency Response App (TERA) is a GIS application designed to provide a common operational picture in support of emergency response and preparedness functions within U.S. EPA Region 8.
During an emergency response, Federal and State On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) may use TERA to gain situational awareness of downstream/downwind vulnerabilities, as well as upstream/upwind potential responsible parties and much more. For contingency planning, TERA can be used to identify communities and environmentally sensitive areas which may be impacted during a hazardous material and/or petroleum releases.
TERA can also be used during exercises of facility response plans by providing participants access to layers such as: endangered/protected species and habitats; facility discharge and permit discharge points; water supplies; other pollution sources (facilities, oil wells, pipelines, rail lines, etc.); and vulnerable populations (schools, nursing homes, daycare facilities, hospitals, etc.).
TERA contains sensitive data, necessitating controlled access. Users may request access as outlined below. Please note, a public version is anticipated to be available in early fall 2024.
To access this resource, please
Send an email message with your request to Mark Allen ( and provide your first name, last name, email address, organization, phone number, ESRI ArcGIS Online username, a brief description of why you want access to this resource, and what project(s) the information will be used for.
After sending the email requesting TERA access, you will receive an email from notifying you if your request has been approved or declined. If approved, the email will include a link to access TERA.
NOTE: By submitting a request to TERA, you are agreeing to the following conditions
- User shall not share their username or password with anyone.
- There may be some sensitive information present in The Emergency Response Application (TERA). All information shall be held as confidential.
- Information shall be used only for the project it was requested for. All copies of the information shall be deleted from the user's computers, and archives and backup copies destroyed at the completion of the specified project.
- User shall not copy, loan, lease, permit access to, publish, distribute, and allow interactive rights to, or transfer information, or any portion thereof, in any form or media now known or hereafter created, to any person, entity, and/or third party.
- User expressly understands that the use of the data is at the user's sole risk. The EPA does not warrant that the information will be error free. Information is furnished on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The EPA shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of use of data, or inability to use data.