Numerous areas just Northeast
of Silverton have been used as dispersed backcountry campgrounds and are
located near remnants of historic mining operations. On December 12, 2022,
the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Research (ATSDR) released a
Health Consultation on exposure to mining-related environmental contamination
during camping activities at the BPMD. This consultation concludes the
Both Campgrounds 2 and
3 have concentrations of lead found in surface soil that pose a public health
hazard even if camping one day per week.
- Young children camping at dispersed backcountry areas 2 and 3 could be exposed to harmful levels of lead detected in surface soil.
- A pregnant woman who camps at campgrounds 3 might be exposed to lead in surface soil that could harm her unborn child.
- Exposure to other metals in surface soil at dispersed camping areas are too low to result in adverse health effects. and pose an unacceptable risk to pregnant women and smaller children camping at the sites for as little as 1 day
An emergency removal has been conducted on campgrounds 2 and 3. The contaminated soil has been covered and manipulated to deter camping in these areas and minimize potential exposure pathways.