May 21, 2024, a spill of unknown petroleum product was identified on a tundra
lake that drains into Avak Creek. Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation (UIC) has been
managing the response as the potential landowners. Alaska Department of
Environmental Conservation (ADEC) notified the National Response Center on June 5, 2024. The
discharge has been reported as various products, from hydraulic oil to diesel
in the lake's surface ice to depths up to 22 inches below the ice and surfacing
on the ice through the snow as it melts. No source has been identified but a
sample was collected for
lab testing on June 10.
The spill area is within the range of Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed Steller’s
eiders, spectacled eiders, and polar bear (all listed as Threatened) and within
designated critical habitat (denning) of polar bears.
spill spite is 22 miles outside of Ukpeaġvik and only accessible through a snow
trail over the tundra or via helicopter. Deteriorating winter conditions have
eliminated access to the tundra lake over the snow trail. UIC deployed
absorbant and hard boom on the lake to try and prevent the petroleum product from reaching Avak
creek. An analytical sample was taken for lab testing on June 11 to determine the content of the spilled
is coordinating with UIC, ADEC, North Slope Borough, Alaska Department of Fish
and Game, Department of Interior, and US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). An Incident Command System
232 Resources at Risk summary has been drafted to address wildlife and cultural
resource concerns.
This incident is within EPA’s jurisdiction and Region 10 Federal
On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) Huelskoetter is conducting oversight and continuing
to coordinate with the landowner, state and federal partners. EPA opened the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) and is issuing
a Pollution Removal Funding
Authorization (PFRA)
to USFWS to hire a wildlife contractor to conduct a wildlife assessment and to
deploy passive hazing tactics to protect the ESA species in the area.