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Historic Potteries RV3

Site Contact:
Andrew Confortini
On-Scene Coordinator


Site Location:
Trenton, NJ 08638

The Site was discovered during a Removal Site Evaluation  of the L.H. Mitchell Site, a former small solder manufacturer, where elevated levels of lead were found in soil on residential properties in the surrounding neighborhood but was unable to attribute the elevated lead levels to the manufacturing of solder.   It was determined that lead detected at residential properties in the vicinity of the L.H. Mitchell Site must be from other historic anthropogenic sources including, but not limited to, historic fill, leaded gasoline, lead-based paint, coal combustion, and potentially the pottery industry that was prevalent in Trenton during the late 19th and early 20th century. EPA received a referral from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in January 2020 for an Integrated Assessment to investigate whether release of lead during the pottery manufacturing process impacted the downwind residential properties as well other areas of Trenton with significant historical pottery operations. 

As part of the Integrated Assessment, soil sampling and analysis of residential properties, parks, and schools within the Top Road and East Trenton neighborhoods was conducted throughout fall and early winter of 2023/2024. Through July 2024, 1,117 composite samples were collected from 143 occupied residential properties, two public schools (Darlene McKnight ElementarySchool and Grant School), and three public parks (Breunig Avenue Park, Sonny Vereen Playground, and Grant Avenue Playground). Analytical lead results for the composite soil samples from the 1,117 samples collected ranged from 10 to 7,760 mg/kg, with an average concentration of 566 mg/kg. Of these samples, 859 exceeded the recently updated EPA RML of 200 mg/kg. Every property sampled except for one (HP001-P121, Darlene McKnight Elementary School) had at least one sample with a lead concentration above the 200 mg/kg RML. Furthermore, 187 samples from 80 properties sampled contained lead levels exceeding 1,000 mg/kg.

A removal action (RV1) was completed in September 2024 to address lead contamination at the Ulysses S. Grant School. A second removal action (RV2) is currently in progress to address lead contamination at the three parks.

The scope of work for the third removal action (RV3) at the occupied residential properties in East Trenton includes the installation of interim controls to dissociate the residents from the lead impacted soil at specific properties that meet the high-risk exposure criteria, which include lead concentrations above the RML, the presence of high-use, frequent contact areas (such as a children’s play areas or gardens), and young children and pregnant women in the household.  Numerous properties in East Trenton meet the high-risk criteria and will be prioritized for installation of either an interim soil cover over impacted areas or raised garden bed with clean soil.