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CWA Nat'l Preparedness WG

Site Contact:
Lawrence Kaelin


Site Location:
Edison, NJ 08837

The CWA National Preparedness Work Group (WG) consists of OSC presentatives from all 10 Regions, as well as reps from NHSRC, ERT and CMAT. The WG will develop an operational guide, or playbook to provide a national approch to respond to a CWA incident. Additional guides, checklists or annexes may be developed to support the playbook. Current response assets, gaps and solutions to issues concerning EPA's response to CWAs will be determined, documented and addressed. The first kick-off teleconference was held August 14th, 2012. Monthly calls, on the 1st Wednesday of every month, from 3-4 PM, east coast time, are planned. This site on the epaosc.org website will be used to collect documents for review and to act as a focal point to disseminate tasks, action items and other information to support the WG. Contact Larry Kaelin with OEM's CBRN CMAT for more information (kaelin.lawrence@epa.gov; 732-321-6625).

Workgroup Mission and Goal(s):
• Ensure that operational needs and/or gaps as they relate to CWA preparedness are identified, prioritized and filled
• Ensure compliance with CORE NAR CBRN requirements
• Serve as a vetting group for CWA exercises, trainings, and research and development projects – ensuring that resources are focused on OSC priority needs
• Increase awareness and/or coordination between the Regional OSCs, NHSRC and the Special Teams on CWA issues; topics could include special incidents or sites, new technology developments, policy work, international work, interagency work, etc.

Work Product(s): National CWA Operational Playbook.

Will meet once a month, or as needed to weigh in on exercises, trainings, and R&D projects

For additional information, visit the Notices section.