The Former Wisconsin Die Cast Facility operated as a machine shop and zinc & aluminum die cast foundry for approximately 63 years. The Site consists of a 2.8 acre parcel developed with several interconnected buildings that encompass 61,000 square feet.
The operation abruptly shut down in 2008. The Site was abandoned and contains liquid, solid and semi-solid wastes in drums, tanks, floor trenches & drains, other containers, and a storage trailer in the parking lot. The building is also known to contain asbestos-containing insulation & building materials, PCB & lead based painted surfaces, and mercury-containing devices.
Over the past several years, the site has been subject to persistent trespassing, vandalism, and un-authorized scrapping. This activity has disturbed the painted surfaces, mercury-containing devices, and asbestos-containing building materials. The City of Milwaukee referred the Site to U.S. EPA Region 5 for action in December 2013.
EPA completed a Site Assessment and is conducting a Removal Action at the Site to abate risks to human health and the environment.