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Countywide Landfill

All POLREP's for this site Countywide Landfill
East Sparta, OH - EPA Region V
POLREP #9 - Ongoing Excavation of the Isolation Break Between Landfill Cells 5 and 7.
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On-Scene Coordinator - James Augustyn 4/3/2009
Time-Critical - Removal Action Pollution Report (POLREP) #9
Start Date: 7/8/2008
Pollution Report (POLREP) #9
Site Description
The Countywide Landfill Site is located at 3619 Gracemont Street SW, East Sparta, Stark County, Ohio, 44626.  For a more complete description of the site history and U.S. EPA enforcement, refer to POLREP #1.

Current Activities
For a complete description of the air monitoring protocols utilized throughout the excavation of the Isolation Break between landfill cells 5 and 7, refer to POLREP #6.  

During this reporting period, the on-site collection of "Tier 2" downwind air samples was suspended from March 4, 2009, through March 29, 2009, as excavation of waste within the isolation break was halted to facilitate installation of leachate and landfill gas extraction systems along the side slope of Cell 5.  Tier 2 sampling involves collection of air samples approximately 300 feet downwind of the excavation activities.  All other air monitoring routines remained unchanged during this reporting period.

As indicated in previous POLREPs, the excavation of the isolation break involves the removal of 8 "decks" of waste, each approximately 10 feet in depth.

From March 2, 2009, through March 3, 2009, contractors completed excavation of deck 7 of the isolation break.  Preliminary estimates indicate that approximately 6,069 cubic yards of municipal waste was relocated to the eastern and southern portions of cell 7.  A maximum waste temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded.  No refined aluminum waste or charred municipal waste was observed.  Upon completion of deck 7 on March 3, 2009, approximately 3,204 cubic yards of additional clay cover was spread on deck 8 and the northern and southern slopes of the isolation break excavation between cells 5 and 7.  Temporary cross-slope access roads were removed and graded on the northern side of the isolation break (Cell 7).

From March 4, 2009, through March 6, 2009, contractors began installation of a liquid leachate transfer line in a road crossing in cell 4.  This line is designed to transfer liquids collected from the area designated as the "deep trench" in cell 4 to the existing leachate collection systems in Area D.  The deep trench is denoted in the original "Landfill Cover and Long Term Capping Plan" by a yellow augmentation area along the middle haul road in cell 4. Approximately 70 cubic yards of bag house dust that was removed from the isolation break was transported and backfilled in the remediation area.

On March 9, 2009, contractors completed construction of the road crossing in cell 4 that was begun on March 4, 2009.  A sub-cap liquid header trunk drain was installed along the western edge of the isolation break in cell 5c.  This trunk drain will transfer liquid from the proposed leachate and sub-cap collectors on the north slope of cell 5c to the dual-contained sump at the west side of the isolation break.

On March 10, 2009, remediation operations were suspended due to rain.

On March 11, 2009, contractors removed soil from the deep trench, between the leachate transfer line road crossing and relief well RW-1.  Excavation work was limited to the removal of soil cover; the temporary cap was not opened and no new leachate and landfill gas collectors were installed.

From March 12, 2009, through March 13, 2009, contractors continued the trenching and installation of leachate and landfill gas extraction systems in the deep trench area in cell 4, west of the road crossing.  The southernmost sub-cap gas collector was installed on the northern slope of cell 5c, and trenching was initiated for the installation of the southernmost leachate and landfill gas collectors on the northern slope of cell 5c.

From March 16, 2009, through March 20, 2009, contractors continued the trenching and installation of leachate and landfill gas extraction systems in the deep trench area in cell 4, west of the road crossing.  Contractors completed installing the southernmost leachate and landfill gas collectors on the northern slope of cell 5c, and the middle leachate, landfill gas and sub-cap gas collectors on the northern slope of cell 5c.  All of the sub-cap and leachate collectors on the north slope of cell 5c were connected to the trunk drain installed on March 9, 2009.  The trunk drain on the eastern edge of the isolation break in cell 4 was also installed from March 18, 2009, through March 19, 2009.

From March 23, 2009, through March 27, 2009, contractors installed the remainder of the proposed leachate, landfill gas and sub-cap collectors on the north slope of cells 5b and 5c in the isolation break.  Trenching and installation of leachate and landfill gas extraction systems in the deep trench area in cell 4 was continued southeast of the road crossing, along the middle haul road.  On March 25, 2009, relief well RW-2 (located in Cell 6A) was decommissioned by Republic contractors after attempts to repair the well failed.

On March 30, 2009, contractors began excavating at the west side of deck 8 of the isolation break.  Preliminary estimates indicate that approximately 2,420 cubic yards of municipal waste was relocated to the southeastern portion of cell 7.  A maximum waste temperature of 97 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded.  No refined aluminum waste or charred municipal waste was observed.

On March 31, 2009, contractors completed the trenching and installation of leachate and landfill gas collectors in the deep trench, and the temporary FML cap was replaced over the excavation.  Excavation of deck 8 of the isolation break was continued to approximately midway across the isolation break.  Preliminary estimates indicate that approximately 1,320 cubic yards of municipal waste was relocated to the southeastern portion of cell 7.  A maximum waste temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded.  No refined aluminum waste or charred municipal waste was observed.

On April 1, 2009, remediation operations were suspended due to rain.

On April 2, 2009, contractors completed excavating deck 8 of the isolation break.  Preliminary estimates indicate that approximately 3,000 cubic yards of municipal waste was relocated to the southeastern portion of cell 7.  No refined aluminum waste or charred municipal waste was observed.

On April 3, 2009, remediation operations were suspended due to rain.

As of April 3, 2009, preliminary estimates indicate that a grand total of approximately 373,000 cubic yards of municipal waste has been excavated from the V-shaped isolation break between cells 5 and 7.  The excavated waste was disposed of in cell 7, as detailed in the Isolation Break Excavation Work Plan.  An estimated grand total of 123,500 cubic yards of clay cover has been transported to the isolation break excavation and cell 7 waste relocation areas to-date.  The clay cover material is utilized to cover the municipal waste during off-hours as an odor control measure.

Next Steps
When weather improves, U.S. EPA, Ohio EPA, and Republic will conduct a physical inspection of the 39-acre area where new FML has been installed to ensure complete coverage of the area and document existing conditions.  In addition, existing FML placed over the original 30-acre reaction area will be inspected to ensure it remains adequate.

Republic contractors will continue the excavation and construction of the "isolation break" as detailed in the Isolation Break Excavation Work Plan.  This work will include uncovering of the base liner that sits on top of a soil berm separating cells 5 and 7.  Once this liner is exposed, a toe drain will be installed to collect any leachate or gas that may accumulate at the base of the Cell 5 slope.  In addition, flexible membrane liner will be installed on the Cell 5 side slope and connected to the base liner on the soil berm separating cells 5 and 7.  The proposed isolation break is intended to establish a physical separation of landfill cells 7-16 from the original 88-acres (cells 1-6), preventing the northward migration of reaction-generated heat, liquids and gases that have been documented during AOC activities.  The isolation break will require excavation and relocation of approximately 385,000 cubic yards of waste material from landfill cells 4b, 5b, 5c and 7, along with the installation of new and replacement gas extraction wells, sub-cap drains and toe drains to intercept reaction-generated gases and liquids.  The project is anticipated to be completed by the end of Spring 2009.

The remainder of the construction activities included in the Landfill Cover and Long-term Capping Plan are anticipated to resume in Spring 2009.  This activity will include the construction of a composite cover over Cells 1, 2 and 3.  In addition, enhancements to existing sections of temporary cover, gas extraction wells, and sub-cap drains will be constructed throughout Cells 1-6.

A detailed operations and maintenance plan is under development to ensure continued care of the entire 88 acre "remediation area."  This plan will include both performance and monitoring measures for all engineered components (such as drains, gas wells, sumps, tanks, liner, leachate lines and flares) of the area, which are required to control the intrusion of oxygen and water into the cells 1-6 and prevent the escape of gas emissions, odors and leachate.  This plan is intended to ensure that the measures implemented pursuant to the Settlement Agreement remain in place and operational into the future.