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Countywide Landfill

All POLREP's for this site Countywide Landfill
East Sparta, OH - EPA Region V
POLREP #11 - Construction and enhancement of gas extraction systems in the 5/7 isolation break and portions of the 88-acre remediation area.
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On-Scene Coordinator - James Augustyn 6/1/2009
Time-Critical - Removal Action Pollution Report (POLREP) #11
Start Date: 7/8/2008
Pollution Report (POLREP) #11
Site Description
The Countywide Landfill Site is located at 3619 Gracemont Street SW, East Sparta, Stark County, Ohio, 44626.  For a more complete description of the site history and U.S. EPA enforcement, refer to POLREP #1.

Current Activities
On May 4, 2009, Republic contractors began installation of a roadway to provide access for maintenance and service vehicles on top of the base liner on the 5/7 berm at the base of the isolation break.  The road base was designed to be approximately 7 feet thick to support a gravel top layer which can facilitate heavy equipment access in between cells 5 and 7. Extraction well PW-182 was installed in cell 5a.

On May 5, 2009, Republic contractors installed extraction wells C1R(2) and B1R in cell 6a.  Installation of the road base continued in between cells 5 and 7.  A clay soil bench was also constructed mid-slope on the cell 5 side of the isolation break in preparation for installation of 4 gas extraction wells.

On May 6, 2009, Republic contractors installed 4 new extraction wells (PW-366, PW-367, PW-368 and PW-369) mid-slope on the cell 5 side of the isolation break.  Installation of the road base continued in between cells 5 and 7.

On May 7, 2009, and May 8, 2009, Republic contractors continued installation of the road base in between cells 5 and 7.

On May 11, 2009, Republic contractors began excavating at the west side of the isolation break in order to prepare for the rerouting of gas extraction headers into a new dual-contained condensate pump station to be installed inline prior to flare 7.  Installation of the road base in between cells 5 and 7 continued.

On May 12, 2009, Republic contractors continued to excavate at the west side of the isolation break for the installation of the condensate pump station.  Installation of road base material in between cells 5 and 7 was completed.

On May 13, 2009, Republic contractors continued to excavate at the west side of the isolation break for the installation of the condensate pump station.

On May 14, 2009, remediation operations were suspended due to wind gusts exceeding 40 mph and rain.

On May 15, 2009, and May 16, 2009, Republic contractors continued to excavate at the west side of the isolation break for the installation of the condensate pump station.  Installation of the west condensate pump station and rerouting of cell 5 and 7 gas headers into flare 7 was completed.

On May 18, 2009, Republic contractors installed 60-mil HDPE flexible membrane liner (FML) around the newly-constructed condensate pump station at the west side of the isolation break.  The liner crew began to install FML on the south slope of the isolation break in cell 5c.  Liner installation continued on the cell 5 side of the isolation break through May 23, 2009.  Approximately 4 acres of FML was installed on the cell 5 side of the isolation break.

From May 19, 2009, through May 22, 2009, Republic contractors began excavation and trenching in the portions of cells 3, 4a, 4b, 5a and 6a referred to as the "bowl" area, where the highest settlement rates have been documented in the 88-acre remediation area.  A total of 5 new sub-cap gas collection trenches were proposed for the bowl area prior to re-installation of FML.  The gas extraction design in the bowl area called for installation of 6-inch perforated pipe embedded in stone.  Trenches were excavated approximately 3-6 feet through clay cover into the top layer of waste and sloped towards the northeast and southeast perimeter of the bowl.  A 10-inch solid slip sleeve was installed at the central elevated peak of each trench to accommodate anticipated settlement.  The four easternmost gas collectors were installed between May 19, 2009, and May 22, 2009.

On May 25, 2009, remediation operations were suspended for the holiday.

On May 26, 2009, Republic contractors installed the westernmost sub-cap gas collector in the bowl area.  The gas collectors were connected to 4 manifolds which will facilitate transmission of the collected gas into the gas collection and flaring system.  The liner crew installed liner boots around wells on the south slope of the isolation break and performed other liner detail work.

On May 27, 2009, Republic contractors began surface preparation of clay soils in the bowl in anticipation of the installation of temporary flexible membrane liner.

On May 28, 2009, Republic contractors completed surface preparation of clay base soils in the bowl in anticipation of temporary FML placement.  The liner crew began installing 60-mil HDPE temporary FML in the bowl area.  Temporary FML installation in the bowl area continued on May 29, 2009 and May 30, 2009.

Next Steps
The remainder of the construction activities included in the Landfill Cover and Long-term Capping Plan will continue through July, 2009.  This activity will include the placement of temporary FML over select portions of Cells 1, 2 and 3.  It will also involve removal of infrastructure from the eastern plateau of the remediation area.

A detailed operations, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) plan will be completed.  The OM&M plan will ensure continued care of the 88 acre "remediation area."  The plan covers all engineered components (such as drains, gas wells, sumps, tanks, liner, leachate lines and flares) in the remediation area.  These components are necessary to control the intrusion of oxygen and water into the remediation area and prevent the escape of gases, odors and leachate.  The plan is intended to ensure that the measures implemented pursuant to the Settlement Agreement remain in place and operational into the future.

Key Issues