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Countywide Landfill

All POLREP's for this site Countywide Landfill
East Sparta, OH - EPA Region V
POLREP #6 - Initiation of the Isolation Break Excavation
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On-Scene Coordinator - James Augustyn 12/15/2008
Time-Critical - Removal Action Pollution Report (POLREP) #6
Start Date: 7/8/2008
Pollution Report (POLREP) #6
Site Description
The Countywide Landfill Site is located at 3619 Gracemont Street SW, East Sparta, Stark County, Ohio, 44626.  For a more complete description of the site history and U.S. EPA enforcement, refer to POLREP #1.

Current Activities
On December 5, 2008, members of the local media and the Stark County Commissioners were invited to tour the original 88-acres with representatives from Republic and U.S. EPA prior to the initiation of excavation work described in the Isolation Break Excavation Work Plan.  Visitors were updated on the status of the current and planned removal activities in the original 88-acres, the implementation of the planned isolation break between landfill cells 5 and 7, and the on-site and community air monitoring procedures.

On December 8, 2008, U.S. EPA and Ohio EPA representatives participated in a health and safety training and kickoff meeting specific to the isolation break excavation work that was hosted and attended by Republic representatives and contractors.  Republic contractors began mobilizing heavy equipment to the location of the 5/7 isolation break, including two excavators, five articulated dump trucks, and three bulldozers.  Excavation work commenced on the first deck of the isolation break at the western edge of the elevated northern plateau in Area N (cells 5c and 7) and began to progress eastward across the plateau.  The planned isolation break consists of eight horizontal layers, or "decks," each approximately 10-feet in depth.

Air monitoring of the isolation break excavation work includes five independent methods (referred to as air monitoring "tiers" on-site) ranging from personal hand-held devices at the excavation face to fixed community air monitoring stations up to two miles from the site.  The air monitoring tiers include:

Tier 1 -  Republic and U.S. EPA personnel at the excavation site equipped with personal air monitoring devices for the detection of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, total volatile organic compounds, oxygen and lower explosive limit;

Tier 2 -  one photo-ionization detector and one summa canister air sample equipped with an 8-hour regulator and positioned 300 feet downwind of the excavation;

Tier 3 -  the five on-site "Stage C" automatic air monitoring stations that surround the original 88-acres and remain in operation 24/7 under orders of the U.S. EPA AOC (described in greater detail in the Current Activities section of POLREP #4);

Tier 4 -  four off-site community air monitor stations located up to 2 miles in radius from the site, operated under orders of Ohio EPA;

Tier 5 -  off-site mobile tracking of nuisance odor intensities via a Nasal Ranger unit, also operated under orders of Ohio EPA.

These air monitoring protocol are anticipated to be utilized daily throughout the excavation of the isolation break between landfill cells 5 and 7.  In addition, Republic contractors and U.S. EPA representatives utilize hand-held infrared non-contact thermometers to monitor waste temperatures at the surface of the excavation face.

From December 8, 2008, through December 12, 2008, Republic contractors continued to excavate the first deck, eastward and approximately halfway across the Area N plateau.  Nine gas extraction wells (PW-324, PW-325, PW-326, PW-328, PW-332, PW-335, PW-336, PW-337 and PW-359) situated within the footprint of the isolation break were abandoned by Republic contractors ahead of the advancing excavation work.  Preliminary estimates indicate that approximately 38,000 cubic yards of municipal waste was relocated to the northern working face of cell 7.  A maximum waste temperature of 123 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded.  No refined aluminum waste or charred municipal waste was observed.

From December 15, 2008, through December 19, 2008, Republic contractors completed excavation of the first deck and began excavation of the second deck of the isolation break.  Gas extraction well PW-315, situated within the footprint of the isolation break, was abandoned by Republic contractors ahead of the advancing excavation work.  Preliminary estimates indicate that total of 62,500 cubic yards of municipal waste was relocated to the northern working face of cell 7 and cell 8a.  A maximum waste temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded.  No refined aluminum waste or charred municipal waste was observed.

As of December 19, 2008, preliminary estimates indicate that a grand total of approximately 100,500 cubic yards of municipal waste has been excavated from the footprint of the isolation break between cells 5 and 7 to-date.  The excavated waste was relocated and spread out across the northern end of cell 7 and cell 8a, as detailed in the Isolation Break Excavation Work Plan.  Waste relocation is anticipated to continue in this manner throughout the duration of the excavation of the isolation break.

Next Steps
U.S. EPA, Ohio EPA, and Republic will conduct a physical inspection of the 39-acre area where new FML has been installed to ensure complete coverage of the area and document existing conditions.

Republic contractors will continue the excavation and construction of an "isolation break" as detailed in the Isolation Break Excavation Work Plan.  The proposed isolation break is intended to establish a physical air-space separation of landfill cells 7-16 from the original 88-acres (cells 1-6), preventing the northward migration of reaction-generated heat and gases that has been documented during AOC activities.  The isolation break will require excavation and relocation of approximately 385,000 cubic yards of waste material from landfill cells 4b, 5b, 5c and 7, and require an estimated 3-5 months for completion.

The remainder of the construction activities included in the Landfill Cover and Long-term Capping Plan are anticipated to resume in 2009.

Key Issues
U.S. EPA and Ohio EPA representatives noted an increase in the generation of nuisance odors as a result of the initiation of the isolation break excavation.  Options are being implemented for the reduction of nuisance odors from the waste relocation area working face in cells 7 and 8a during the excavation work, including thickening the soil cover material and application of an odor control product using portable sprayers and a stationary misting system.