The Wisconsin Mapping Project is a Geographical Information System (GIS) environmental emergency response tool that brings public (Federal, State and local) entities and private sector emergency responders together for spill response and pre-planning.
During an emergency response, Federal and State On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) may use the program to gain situational awareness of downstream/downwind vulnerabilities, as well as upstream/upwind potential responsible parties and much more. For contingency planning, the project can introduce facilities to the communities which may be impacted during a hazardous materials and/or petroleum releases.
The program can also be used during exercises of facility response plans by providing participants access to response layers such as: endangered/protected species and habitats; sanitary and storm sewer systems; facility discharge and permit discharge points; water supplies; other pollution sources (facilities, oil wells, pipelines, rail lines, etc.); and vulnerable populations (schools, nursing homes, daycare facilities, hospitals, etc.).
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NOTE: You only need to follow this registration process (Step 1) once, but you will still need to contact each OSC for the states you want access to individually (Steps 2-3). If you have never accessed a resource on, you will be redirected to your profile page on your first login attempt. Simply go back in your browser and click the link again.