The Westside Lead Site - Operable Unit 2 consists of the properties in West Atlanta owned by the Westside Future Fund that are impacted with historic slag fill. WFF is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to obtain, develop, and maintain affordable housing in Atlanta's west side neighborhoods. Many of it's properties are within the footprint of the Westside Lead Site, a Fund-lead residential time-critical removal action. EPA uses a risk-based prioritization to schedule properties for removal. Since most of WFF's properties are unoccupied, they will fall to the lowest priority tier, and it may be several years until they are all addressed. Additionally, the Westside Lead site is still assessing the extent of contamination, and new properties with higher risk levels are continuously added to the schedule, making the timeline for WFF unclear.
Realizing that their mission would be interrupted, WFF requested to enter into an agreement to self-perform the required removal actions on their properties. Those parcels with lead concentrations greater than 400 parts per million will be remediated using methodology parallel to EPA's at the WSL Site.