At approximately 0600 hours on June 2, 2024, a discharge of approximately 3,500 gallons of diesel was discovered at a petroleum storage and distribution facility in Omaha, Nebraska. The discharge was noted to have occurred within the facility's tank farm secondary containment constructed of concrete block walls; however, diesel escaped secondary containment through a hole. The discharged diesel flowed overland primarily to a retention pond on the facility, but also impacted a small drainage ditch north the tank farm. Both the drainage ditch and retention pond drain to Little Papillion Creek, a perennial water body. Upon discovery of the discharge, the facility initiated response activities and mobilized an environmental cleanup contractor to the site. The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) and EPA Region 7 both responded to the discharge and are conducted oversight of the cleanup actions.
Cleanup activities were conducted at the site thru early July 2024. Cleanup activities included the recovery of diesel from secondary containment, retention pond and drainage ditch. Both absorbent and containment boom was deployed in Little Papillion Creek but no sheen or other visible impacts as a result of the discharge were ever noted. Based on the cleanup actions completed the NDEE's continued involvement with the facility concerning investigation and remedial planning to historic petroleum contamination at the site, no further EPA activities are planned for the site, related to this discharge.