The Safety Light Corporation, formerly U.S. Radium, is located near Bloomsburg, PA. The Site consists of 10 acres and bordered by residential properties on 3 sides and the Susquehanna River on the one side. Past activities at the Site include the manufacturing of self-illuminated watches and instrument dials; smoke detectors; exit signs, and other products containing radioactive materials (such as radium- 226, strontium-90, cesium-137, and tritium). The facility ceased operations in 2007. The site was listed on the National Priorities List (NPL) in April 2005. EPA’s Remedial Program has divided the Site into 3 separate Operable Units (OUs) for cleanup. OU-1 addressed onsite buildings and debris and was completed in October 2015; OU-2 will address onsite groundwater and OU-3 will address soils, surface water and sediment. EPA’s Removal Program has undertaken numerous activities on site since 2005 and has maintained continual site presence since November 2012. EPA continues to coordinate with Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Bureau of Radiation Protection during cleanup activities.